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John Farrell

John Farrell is an affordable housing attorney living in West Chester Pennsylvania. He once travelled the weird west as Carrie A. Nation in Joker's Wild at:

Location Pennsylvania
Number of Articles 238
John Farrell's Work 238 Articles
Reviews   -   Jul 30, 2019 The more things change–Things from the Flood review
The more things change–Things from the Flood review

As we grow older, the false veneer of safety and comfort begins to wear away. I praised Tales From the Loop for its spin on nostalgia, at the same time genuine yet rife with horror and unease, and Free League’s follow-up seeks to capitalize on those feelings, leaning more

by John Farrell
Announcements   -   Jun 09, 2019 Kingdom Hearts Re:Mind DLC trailer shows off new characters and possibly drive forms
Kingdom Hearts Re:Mind DLC trailer shows off new characters and possibly drive forms

Ever since Kingdom Hearts 3 left us on a massive cliffhanger, fans have been anticipating a DLC follow up. Friday at E3, a brief glimpse into the future (or, knowing this series, the past?) shows off some cryptic but exciting gameplay. Beyond a few mysterious lines of dialogue from known

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   May 14, 2019 A legacy reborn: John Carter of Mars RPG review
A legacy reborn: John Carter of Mars RPG review

On a dying world amidst alien tribes, a warrior of Earth has finally come back to reclaim his rightful place. Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Barsoom series, set on the red desert of Mars, stood right alongside the titans of pulp media which would go on to quietly inspire some of the

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Apr 17, 2019 The art of darkness–Overwhelm review
The art of darkness–Overwhelm review

Overwhelm will test you. It will test your skill, your reflexes, and a little too often it will test your patience. This miniature action-horror platformer flips the some of the conventions of the Metroidvania genre to create a mounting sense of dread, pushing you further and further out of your

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Apr 03, 2019 A bright future in the dark abyss—Coriolis: the Third Horizon review
A bright future in the dark abyss—Coriolis: the Third Horizon review

Free League Publishing seems determined to prove itself in every game genre available, and I am happy to be along for the ride. I was charmed by their 80s kids adventure Tales From the Loop, I adored their post-apocalyptic community building game Mutant: Year Zero, and I am over the

by John Farrell
Editorials   -   Feb 21, 2019 Melding roleplay, LARP, and filmmaking, Masters of the Box is an experience like no other
Melding roleplay, LARP, and filmmaking, Masters of the Box is an experience like no other

In late November of 2018, the parks and fields of Tennessee bore witness to magic in the making. A team of strange people clad in armor spoke with the voices of others, and all around was the clamor of…foam. Over the course of a few months, a team of

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Feb 14, 2019 No heist but much to offer–Waterdeep: Dragonheist review
No heist but much to offer–Waterdeep: Dragonheist review

A crisis of identity sits at the heart of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. Is it an adventure? Is it a gazetteer of Water Deep? Is it a toolbox for urban sandbox adventures? In trying to be all of these, it never commits to any of them well enough, though there are

by John Farrell
Impressions   -   Oct 16, 2018 The many splendors of the decks of many
The many splendors of the decks of many

As gaming relies more and more on digital assets to supplement the experience, the Decks of Many are proving just how much utility we can get out of an analogue supplement. Apps can be helpful, especially for tracking spells and abilities, but physical products have a table presence that will

by John Farrell
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