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George Kruger

Number of Articles 5
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Reviews   -   Aug 31, 2019 So, you joined a cult–Sagebrush review
So, you joined a cult–Sagebrush review

Sagebrush - Gameplay - PS4 [Gaming Trend] Watch this video on YouTube Created by Redact Games, Sagebrush is an adventure puzzle-like game that takes place on an abandoned ranch in the middle of the New Mexico desert. It opens with you driving along the open road over a bit of

by George Kruger
Reviews   -   Aug 15, 2019 Run, Dodge, Shoot–Bouncy Bullets review
Run, Dodge, Shoot–Bouncy Bullets review

Have you ever wanted to feel the strange juxtaposition between being surrounded by a cutesy environment, with bubbly music, while simultaneously feeling the white-hot anger of the gods coursing through your veins? Then Bouncy Bullets is the game for you. Developed by Petite Games, Bouncy Bullets is a first-person puzzle

by George Kruger
Reviews   -   Aug 07, 2019 Blocks, the eighties, and more blocks–Neon Junctions review
Blocks, the eighties, and more blocks–Neon Junctions review

Welcome to the wonderful world of the eighties! Or, at least, you’ll sure as heck get the general vibe once you step into the synthwave inspired puzzle platformer known as Neon Junctions. Created, and published, by 9 Eyes Game Studio you’ll be using all the skills as a

by George Kruger
News   -   Aug 01, 2019 New games, expansions, and more — Gale Force Nine at Gen Con
New games, expansions, and more — Gale Force Nine at Gen Con

It’s just about August of 2019 and that means one thing, Gen con is about to be in full swing in Indianapolis, Indiana. Ahead of the convention Gale Force Nine published a forecast as to what attendees can look forward to either purchasing, or playing, on the show floor.

by George Kruger
Reviews   -   Jul 31, 2019 The Art of Shooting Robots—Paradox Soul review
The Art of Shooting Robots—Paradox Soul review

Paradox Soul is a retro pixel art platformer— funded on Kickstarter and developed by Ritual Games—in the legacy of the Metroidvania tradition. Set in 1987 Iceland, you play Dr. Alli Rose as you explore the inner workings of a mysterious, experimental, facility overrun with murderous robots.   From the very

by George Kruger
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