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David Roberts

Number of Articles 30
David Roberts's Work 30 Articles
Reviews   -   Oct 08, 2015 The road less traveled — The Talos Principle (PS4) review
The road less traveled — The Talos Principle (PS4) review

The Talos Principle is a calm, reflexive game that wants you to question the very nature of existence. It’s a big ask for anything, let alone a video game, but The Talos Principle succeeds because of its engaging puzzles, its tranquil pacing, and its thought provoking yet unpretentious narrative.

by David Roberts
Reviews   -   May 16, 2015 A fistful of pixels — Westerado: Double Barreled review
A fistful of pixels — Westerado: Double Barreled review

I’m not going to lie: I almost hung up my spurs and quit within the first ten minutes of playing Westerado: Double Barreled. I felt frustrated by how it didn’t really explain much of what I was supposed to do, how the game’s health bar works (or

by David Roberts
Features   -   Dec 26, 2014 David Roberts’ Top 10 Games of 2014
David Roberts’ Top 10 Games of 2014

2014 was… Well, it was a lot of things. It was a period of transition, both for video games as well as for my own life. I finally graduated from college. I moved to Seattle. My son was born. When I look back on this year and what has happened

by David Roberts
Reviews   -   Dec 11, 2014 Let’s get (meta)physical — The Talos Principle Review
Let’s get (meta)physical — The Talos Principle Review

Never has a game made me question my own existence. Now, it wasn’t anything so grandiose as me wondering if I’m even real (or, what if, like, we’re all just someone’s dream, man?). I know I’m real. I’m typing these words onto the page,

by David Roberts
Previews   -   Nov 19, 2014 An existential cyber-crisis – The Talos Principle preview

I stare at the quandary before me, its various tools strewn about in such a way as to be difficult to attain, and yet subtly instructing me on how to solve it. I flit between pressure plates and electronic gate jammers, slowly making headway toward a floating tetromino, gated off

by David Roberts
Reviews   -   Nov 19, 2014 Black Flag II – Assassin’s Creed Rogue review

Assassin’s Creed Rogue at once shows the series at its most derivative, as well as its most inventive. Rogue is an incredibly last-gen game, featuring recycled environments from Assassin’s Creed III and Black Flag along with outdated visuals that feel like they’re breaking at the seams on

by David Roberts
Reviews   -   Nov 17, 2014 California Dreamin’ – Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) review

If you’re waffling back and forth, wondering whether or not you should pick up Grand Theft Auto V on next-gen consoles, and you don’t have a whole lot of time to read a review, let me give you a brief statement summing up my thoughts: Holy. Crap. This

by David Roberts
Reviews   -   Nov 11, 2014 Finish the fight, again — Halo: The Master Chief Collection review
Finish the fight, again — Halo: The Master Chief Collection review

I’m going to try out an analogy here, so please, bear with me if it starts to get away from me. Buying Halo: The Master Chief Collection is like purchasing tickets to a museum opening that’s still under construction when you show up. You’re walking around, checking

by David Roberts
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