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David Flynn

David is the kind of person to wear his heart on his sleeve. He can find positives in anything, like this is a person who loved Star Fox Zero to death. You’ll see him playing all kinds of games.

Number of Articles 703
David Flynn's Work 703 Articles
Reviews   -   Oct 18, 2022 The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky review — Political arts and crafts
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky review — Political arts and crafts

Five years ago, Cassius Bright brought home a mysterious young boy named Joshua despite knowing nothing of his past. Joshua quickly became close with Estelle, Cassius’s biological daughter. In the present day, the siblings train together to become like their father and join the Bracers, a global organization of

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   Oct 17, 2022 Persona 5 Royal review on PC — Colors flying high
Persona 5 Royal review on PC — Colors flying high

They say absolute power corrupts absolutely, but in reality it seems power simply attracts corrupt people. These bad actors in turn corrupt the systems they are a part of, and it’s been going on since the dawn of civilization. Politicians who line their own pockets with government funds, police

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   Oct 09, 2022 NieR: Automata The End of YoRHa Edition review — In the wake of your leave
NieR: Automata The End of YoRHa Edition review — In the wake of your leave

The year is 11945 AD. Androids fight a proxy war on behalf of humanity against alien invaders, who in turn produce Machine Liforms to battle in their stead. Androids in service of YoRHa, including 2B and 9S, are sent to a ruined city on earth to eliminate a new type

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   Oct 06, 2022 Beat Saber: Lizzo Pack review — Everybody’s Gay (for swords)
Beat Saber: Lizzo Pack review — Everybody’s Gay (for swords)

Because I apparently live under a rock, I hadn’t heard of Lizzo until this week. She recently played some historic flute at a concert, which instantly makes her pretty cool in my book. Regardless, my ignorance of the pop idol and inexperience with VR hit Beat Saber make me

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   Oct 06, 2022 No More Heroes 3 review on PC —Kill the past
No More Heroes 3 review on PC —Kill the past

Last year’s No More Heroes 3 was an incredibly fun, hyper-violent action game seeing you tear your way through the Galactic Rankings as everyone’s favorite assassin, Travis Touchdown. I reviewed the game, scoring it an 85, saying that while the combat and visuals were better than ever, it

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   Oct 03, 2022 Valkyrie Elysium review — Summon and kill
Valkyrie Elysium review — Summon and kill

As the newest Valkyrie created by Odin, you are tasked with descending to Midgard to purify souls which have been corrupted into undead beasts after eons of neglect. The All-Father needs these souls to prevent the end of the world, along with four ancient artifacts. Along your journey, you’ll

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   Sep 30, 2022 Life is Strange Arcadia Bay Collection review — Imperfect Polaroids
Life is Strange Arcadia Bay Collection review — Imperfect Polaroids

I’ve mentioned several times that the Life is Strange series is very important to me. Each game focuses on something that happens to be very important to me, from the big sibling energy of 2 to the independence and little sibling energy of True Colors. This all started with

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   Sep 21, 2022 The Outbound Ghost review — Adriaaaaaaaaaan
The Outbound Ghost review — Adriaaaaaaaaaan

Everyone in Outbound has died. First, the town’s water supply was mysteriously poisoned, decimating the population, and then a serial killer picked everyone else off one by one. As a ghost with no memories, you set off to discover how you died, who you are, and why you can

by David Flynn
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