Christian DeCoster

Some genre mashups go together like peanut butter and chocolate, others, not so much. While the roguelike genre had been mashed together with just about every type of gameplay under the sun, Sundered represents an attempt to make it work with the Metroidvania genre, a seemingly impossible task given how
by Christian DeCoster
Digital card games have one major hurdle to cross if they want to stand out: being different from, or better than, Blizzard’s insanely popular Hearthstone. While Fable Fortune, a spin-off of the Fantasy RPG series Fable, doesn’t quite do that, it’s still fun and easy enough to
by Christian DeCoster
I loved the first two seasons of Telltale’s The Walking Dead, and, looking back, I believe that a major reason for this is because both seasons ended on such a strong note. From the bittersweet victory at the end of the first season to the cold emotional beat-down that
by Christian DeCoster
Town of Light may be a horror game, but not in the traditional sense. Nothing jumps out at you, you’re never in any real danger, and there aren’t even any real supernatural elements. This is a game about the realistic horrors of a real-life asylum, a place where
by Christian DeCoster
With most Dynasty Warriors games and spinoffs, you have a good idea of what you’re going to get going in: big maps with multiple objectives, huge amounts of enemy soldiers, and lots of hack-and-slash gameplay with flashy combos. Dragon Quest Heroes 2 is no exception to the classic Dynasty
by Christian DeCoster
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: Episode One: Tangled Up in Blue sounds like the sort of game that would be perfect for Telltale Games. While the studio has received acclaim for grim, gritty titles, some of their best games have been lighter in tone such as their Sam and
by Christian DeCoster
Point-and-click adventure games are in a weird state, where every new game is supposed to be the one that brings the genre back from the dead. New games in the genre typically remove old mechanics like inventory puzzles and combining items in favor of just telling a story with some
by Christian DeCoster
I have a feeling that, when The Walking Dead: A New Frontier releases all of its episodes, it’s going to be one of Telltale’s most loved and most hated properties. You can already see signs of this online in basically every place where players discuss the game. I,
by Christian DeCoster