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Addie Burke

Number of Articles 2
Addie Burke's Work 2 Articles
News   -   Apr 02, 2018 Traumatize your inner child in The InnerFriend, announced today
Traumatize your inner child in The InnerFriend, announced today

Today PLAYMIND announced the third-person psychological horror adventure The InnerFriend.  Relying on abstract visual design to echo childhood fears, The InnerFriend promises to take the player on a Jungian journey of self-discovery to explore child psychology and coping mechanisms. The InnerFriend will play with abstract representations of childhood traumas.  Following

by Addie Burke
Previews   -   Oct 21, 2014 Elite: Dangerous beta preview – Like food to a starving man
Elite: Dangerous beta preview – Like food to a starving man

The station was just there.  I could see it through the shattered remains of my cockpit’s canopy, beyond the timer ticking down the seconds I had left to live. 23… 22… 21… A mere 5 kilometers ahead and full of life-giving air. I’d grown more aggressive than my

by Addie Burke
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