Abram Buehner

The upcoming, RPG-survival hybrid Dragon Quest Builders 2 just received a bevvy of new information during the Square Enix show. First and foremost, the game received a new E3 trailer which showcased various new locales, mechanics, and items that will be featured in the game, and you can check them
by Abram Buehner
After its original release on Xbox 360 and 2018 refresh on PS4, The Last Remnant is finally headed to a Nintendo system in the remastered form that graced Sony’s machine last year. Check out the Switch reveal trailer above, and then check out this overview to get a better
by Abram Buehner
As it pertains to games, the Tom Clancy name has been attached to so many different projects that it was merely a matter of time before they crossed over. Such is the concept of Tom Clancy’s Elite Squad, a free-to-play, mobile action-RPG from Ubisoft Owlient. Here is a brief
by Abram Buehner
The conflict in The Division 2 is growing with its upcoming episodic content drops. Pushing beyond the city, these free expansions to The Division 2 will take players outside the game’s urban combat wheelhouse. To check out some of the locations joining the game imminently in the first two
by Abram Buehner
While Ubisoft stuck its toe into the world of myth with 2018’s Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, the game kept one foot firmly planted in realism. This new project from the Odyssey team, Gods & Monsters, takes the world of Greek myth and applies it in a decidedly whimsical, action-filled
by Abram Buehner
Arcade sports titles always bring the multiplayer fun, and Ubisoft’s upcoming, free-to-play Roller Champions seems to be no different. You can check out the cinematic trailer for the game above and then check out the gameplay trailer by clicking right here. While the full game isn’t slated for
by Abram Buehner
Watch Dogs is back for its third entry, this time taking place in the city of London. As the surveillance state grows, it’s up to you to build an eccentric resistance to fight back against the chaos, utilizing all the hacking skills at your disposal. To add some variety
by Abram Buehner
As dedicated Splatoon fans know, the community is often assembled around special events called Splatfests in which players pledge allegiance to a team, battling to win glory for their side in special Turf War matches. Typically, these Splatfests revolve around blasé questions like “Cake or Ice Cream” and “Flight or
by Abram Buehner