
New Kingdom Hearts 1.5 screenshots, box art released

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 ScreenshotsRumored since 2011 and finally confirmed late last year, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix finally has an official release date. Square Enix  announced last month that the game will hit stores on September 10th in North America. Kingdom Hearts 1.5 is an HD re-release of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (the original game with extra content), Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, and the screenshots show some of the game’s new polish. If that isn’t enough Kingdom Hearts art for you, select pre-orders of Kingdom Hearts 1.5 will receive a 24-page hardcover art book.

An HD remaster isn’t quite enough to mask the age of the originals, but I’m not sure that’s entirely a bad thing.

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Breanna has been gaming since infancy, if gnawing on an unattended controller counts as playing a game. One of the younger members of the Gaming Trend family, she dabbled in PC games as a kid but wasn't fully consumed by the hobby until the sixth generation of consoles. Now an avid PC and console gamer, she looks forward to the day when she can scape together enough cash to join the next gen club.

In the last week of middle school, a math teacher taught her how to program a calculator; she was pretty much hooked then and there. Currently working towards a degree in Computer Science and Applied Math, Breanna hope to someday make games instead of just writing about them. Other hobbies include playing guitar, binge-watching Netflix, and cooking delicious food.

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