LEGO games have been around for a while now and we have seen many beloved franchises get the LEGO treatment. In their newest game, Warner Brothers and LEGO have given a Pixar classic, The Incredibles, the blocky makeover. This is the first Pixar title to get its own LEGO game and has come at the same time as the film is receiving a sequel. Being a huge fan of both LEGO and The Incredibles, I was more than excited to play this game.
The game’s story mode follows the plot of Incredibles 2, taking you through the city of Municiberg as you try to stop the villain ScreenSlaver. You mainly play this mode as Elastigirl, being paired with other Supers from the movie such as He-Lectrix and Reflux. Each level in the story follows scenes from the movie challenging you to solve puzzles, fight bad guys, and build various items to assist you throughout the level. After you complete the main story, the game continues by having you play through the events of the first movie. This opens up the world to more characters and takes us back to the original film that audiences fell in love with. I was surprised at first while playing LEGO The Incredibles because this was the first open world LEGO game I have ever played. The open world was a nice touch and made the game feel as though there was so much more to do and made me want to come back and continue exploring. While patrolling the various districts of Municiberg, you can encounter one of the highlights of the game called Crimewaves. Crimewaves happen in each district and are side missions in which you have to take down iconic villains from the universe. Each Crimewave offers new puzzles and boss battles, bringing a great amount of fun to the game. The Crimewaves really shake things up and serves as a change of pace from the traditional story mode.
As far as gameplay goes, this is definitely a LEGO game. You solve, punch, smash, and build your way through the levels, but this time around you do it as the Incredibles. The puzzles are pretty straightforward and don’t really provide to much of a challenge. This is understandable because this is a kids game, but some of the puzzles felt too easy even for a kid. The use of powers in this game can be broken down into two categories, combat and movement, one of which being way more fun than the other. In combat having super strength means nothing if I do the same amount of damage with Mr. Incredible as I do with Buddy Pine (Incrediboy). Some characters require you to hold A and aim their power to effect enemies, this would help sometimes but overall would leave me open to attacks. Movement on the other hand, is where I felt certain characters shined, Frozone and Dash specifically. I would spend a good amount of time just skating around the city or running from district to district, sometimes competing in time trials or sometimes just to see how long I could keep Frozone’s Ice going. I feel like a big opportunity was missed with the combat, and hope this is something LEGO games fix in the future.
One thing LEGO does right in all of their games, is adding an immense amount of collectables and unlockables to the game. This ranges anywhere from characters to easter eggs. Throughout the game you are tasked with collecting Gold Bricks, Incredibricks, and Red Bricks. The bricks all effect the game differently, the Incredibricks allow you to build objects or pixar related things through the LEGO world and the Red Bricks give you a perk or unlock one of the many characters. Like previous LEGO games LEGO The Incredibles brings a wide variety of characters to collect and control. The downside to this aspect though is that while playing LEGO The Incredibles, I felt let down by the characters that could be unlocked. With over 100 characters to unlock I was pretty excited to play as the many unique heroes in this universe, but my excitement faded as I began to unlock what seemed like pointless or reskinned characters. I don’t know about everyone else but I could care less about playing as The Ambassador or one of the villain’s goons. Aside from the occasional same character, the game adds in characters from other pixar movies. This seemed like a weird decision to me, and felt like the game just wanted to have more characters regardless of who they are. I did however find it comical to beat up and track down villains as the dynamic duo of Dory from Finding Nemo and Miguel from Coco.
Lego The Incredibles
All Right
Overall LEGO The Incredibles is an alright game that truly delivers on collecting and charm. It’s always fun to see some great franchises get the LEGO treatment, but the gameplay falls short from the same mechanics as previous LEGO titles. However, LEGO The Incredibles is geared to fans of LEGO games and unlocking iconic characters from the Incredibles universe. Kids will love this game and will have hours of fun. As for advanced or adult gamers, this game has its highs and lows and is exactly what it was meant to be…A game for kids.
- Loads of collectables and unlockables
- Many playable characters to choose from
- Crimewaves
- Most of the characters are reskins
- Puzzles are simplistic and repetitive
- Combat is clunky and super powers seem ineffective