We at GamingTrend are a collective of volunteers who love gaming and gaming culture, and we’re always welcoming more enthusiasts to the fold. We’ll soon be looking for more writers and videographers who are interested in the following areas of coverage:

  • Tabletop games
  • Tabletop RPGs
  • Hobby (painting minis, terrain, wargaming)
  • Gear (PC and console peripherals)
  • Movies & Television

Why would you want to write for Gaming Trend?

  • Free reign to pursue the projects and topics you want to write about. Want to interview indie devs? Or perhaps an op-ed on industry current events? As long as you run it by management first, it’s probably fair game.
  • Free games, books, and peripherals to review and preview! As long as we don't need to send it back to whomever sent it to us, it's yours to keep.
  • Access to industry events like PAX, Gen Con, Comic-Con, and more!
  • The ability to grow a portfolio and develop your own writing style with hands-on experience

Requirements for the job

  • Must be literate, detail-oriented, passionate and able to string a proper sentence together without excessive editing. We're not expecting miracles, but you should know the difference between "your" and "you're."
  • Must be able to submit 1-2 long-form features per month. We understand that life can get in the way, and as long as you give us a heads-up, we can work around your schedule.
  • Must be able to meet a deadline. Some reviews will require a 7-day turnaround (video games), while others will need more time for evaluation (gear, tabletop games).
  • You should love games (this is a given), but if you've got other interests, let it show in your writing. A broad worldview makes your writing far more interesting.

If you would like to join the Gaming Trend team, please fill out the following form:

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