Continuing its trend of inviting new players into the hobby, Wizards of the Coast has released the Basic Set for Dungeons and...
The thought of a dungeon crawl is not new to the gaming world. Dungeons and Dragons is the game probably most thought...
An almost universal childhood experience is the struggle of parents trying to get their children to clean their rooms. Whether this happens...
Through all the chaos in the world of Terreria, parties of heroes are searching for great wealth. There is only one problem....
After many years of trial, error, and reformation, the original genre creator returns to claim its place as the lord of high...
The Legendary system started with Marvel heroes and villains, but Upper Deck changed things with the release of Alien Encounters. It seemed to...
Delve not into caverns nor dungeons, but the threatening darkness of the unknown with this newest supplement for the Pathfinder line. The...
I gazed at the main view screen and let it all wash over me. There it was. A world unglimpsed by humanity....
“Be one of six brave adventures exploring a dungeon, collecting treasure, dodging traps, and… what the heck is that? Is that some...
I remember seeing BattleLore when Days of Wonder released it. It looked like an intimidating game, with fantasy characters battling across hex-based...
Expansions are a funny thing. They can range from being absolutely necessary to enjoy a game (Ticket to Ride USA 1910), to...
While Magic may be the most popular CCG available, The Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) has been a popular contender for...
Hello! Welcome to Friday Tabletop Kickstarter Update! For info on what is going on here, check out this introduction. We are starting...
I could save everyone the trouble of reading the rest of the review and let you know that Victory Point’s Hundred Days...
As a rule, I’m suspicious of tabletop game reviews. I get that we want to proselytize for our hobby, but the cost...
You are a DRAGON! That’s the premise for Dragon Flame, a newly released card game courtesy of Kickstarter and Minion Games. Your...
Beets. They’re the deep reddish-purple root vegetable that holds about as much esteem to the palate as brussel sprouts or lima beans....
Growing up in the 80s for me meant two things: great movies and lots of conversations about them. The most debated ones...
Games walk a fine line – a thin bouncy little tightrope. Finding the right balance between depth, complexity, focus, theme – this...
Hello! Welcome to Friday Tabletop Kickstarter Update! For info on what is going on here, check out this introduction. Some of the...
It isn’t surprising that people are using crowdfunding pages to self-publish games. Getting noticed by a publisher is tough, and with the...
One of the chores assigned to me at home is taking out the trash. It’s not a fun job, especially when animals...
While I do enjoy all sorts of dungeon crawls, most of them are about killing monsters and don’t have much of a back...
Ticket to Ride is not only my go to gateway game, but it is probably one of my favorite games. The strategies...
When Mage Knight was released, the game was praised for its gameplay, but some were surprised that it was set in the...
There likely isn’t a gamer in the civilized world that has not heard of Munchkin. The game is celebrating fifteen years of...
Plaid Hat Games, publisher of such heavily-themed titles as Specter Ops, Dead of Winter, and Bioshock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia, has...
It’s not uncommon to see digital implementations of board games and vice versa, but the tower defense game hasn’t been explored very...
Tom Jolly’s games often make us feel clever, mean, lucky, as if we’re playing alternately at the expense and at the mercy...
Back in 2010, in one of the best years ever for game publishing, Marco Ruskowski and Marcel Süßelbeck partnered up with Wolfgang...
Before we get started, let me say that you really should just stop reading this right now, get in your car, drive...