Independent filmmaker Jason Trost has an impressive list of accomplishments under his belt, and fans can now contribute to a new celebration...
Released last year exclusively on Google Stadia, Moonshine Studios’ Get Packed will now head to consoles and PC on July 29, with...
Today, Sonzai Games announced that Super Sami Roll will head to PC on July 21. This adorable looking game will bring back...
Today, Digital Confectioners announced that it will release the social deduction action game Dread Hunger later this fall for PC. The game...
Today, Chernobylite received a new lore trailer and patch leading up to the game’s full PC release (Steam, GOG, Epic Games Store)...
Today, +Mpact Games announced that its online multiplayer action game Hanako: Honor & Blade will head to PC on September 15. The...
Like retro inspired shoot ‘em ups where you indiscriminately fire increasingly powerful weapons at everything within your vicinity with no regard to...
Today, Snapshot Games announced that it will release Phoenix Point: Behemoth Edition for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on October 1. This...
The Sorcerer update is now available for Solasta: Crown of the Magister from French indie development studio, Tactical Adventures. This new update...
A few days ago, Kluge Interactive announced that its newest DLC for Synth Riders is available now, featuring tracks from the Electro...
Today, Geeky Mouse announced that its second project, Everlasting Guilt, is now available via Early Access on Steam. The game features FPS...
I can show you a world… Do you want to see it? Triband’s “sort of golf but not really I guess?” game...
Yesterday, Square Enix released the benchmark for the upcoming Endwalker expansion for Final Fantasy XIV. With the tool, you can create a...
Full disclosure: I am not usually one that rushes to pick up the newest narrative-driven games. First person shooters and third-person adventures...
Ever wonder how Spider-Man avoids getting motion sick while web swinging? Turns out, he doesn’t! Yupitergrad is a VR platformer that sees...
Holy jumping mother o’ God in a side-car with chocolate jimmies and a lobster bib! It’s time for more Sam & Max!...
Panic Mode, a casual simulation game from indie studio, Moebiusgames, is out now in Early Access on Steam. Additionally, there is a...
Black Skylands, the unique open-world action adventure game from tinyBuild and Hungry Couch Games, is out now in Early Access on PC...
Today, Flightless announced that its puzzle game Doomsday Vault will head to PC, Mac, and Nintendo Switch on August 5. The game...
Elite Dangerous is a game that demands much, but rewards more. It’s not a space fighter game, but a space simulator. It...
If there are games uniquely suited to VR, it’s games with sniping sections. Developer Coatsink (Jurassic World Aftermath, Onward, and the upcoming...
WanadevStudio announced that it will release the full version of rhythm game Ragnarock VR for Steam on July 15. The game will...
Today, Hidden Trap and Newt Industries announced that Risk System will come to Nintendo Switch on July 15. The game will allow...
The developers for the indie game SELINI have announced that the puzzle-platformer is currently in development for PC. Based on Greek culture,...
BioWare announced Legacy of the Sith, an expansion for the 10th year anniversary of Star Wars: The Old Republic. The expansion will...
Dirigo Games announced more information today on Kingdom of the Dead, a PC game scheduled for early 2022. The game takes place...
If there’s one thing I have learned about Tamriel over the decades, it’s that you’ll never have a shortage of murder-mysteries. The...
Yesterday, thatgamecompany announced that its free-to-play game Sky: Children of the Light is now available for the Nintendo Switch. The game will...
Anshar Studios recently announced that its cyberpunk RPG Gamedec will head to PC on September 16. The game will feature tons of...
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus was released today on Steam, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5 and Xbox One. It is available for purchase...
For four years, Doki Doki Literature Club! was left to fester in the public consciousness. It would be an understatement to say...