Akupara Games recently released a new live-action trailer to promote the upcoming console release of The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor. The...
Today, Dreadbit and Ripstone Publishing announced that their upcoming console version of Ironcast will be coming to Switch next month. Previously announced...
Puzzle games were made for handhelds. Professor Layton, Zero Escape, and Box Boy are franchises that have thrived on (and in the...
Team 17 recently released a teaser trailer for the upcoming Nintendo Switch release of Ghost Town Games’ Overcooked. The local co-op game...
Update 8/28/17: Blowfish Studios has announced that the release date for Morphite will be delayed until September 20, which will be reflected...
With all the talk about Nindies and other smaller games on the eShop, Rayark Games is the best example of a great...
The Dangerous Kitchen has cooked up its first game and released a new launch trailer for its release. De Mambo is available...
We may have been wrong about not referencing Nintendo Karen again, but SMG Studio has released a launch trailer for its cooperative...
If you’re looking to get some more games to play with friends for your shiny new Switch before Splatoon 2 comes out...
The concept of Serial Cleaner had me hooked immediately–cleaning up murder scenes in a fun 1970s aesthetic? Yes please! However, I did...
YummyYummyTummy announced today that its upcoming duo of action RPGs will be released earlier than expected. Previously set to be released on...
Today, YummyYummyTummy announced that SungWon Cho, otherwise known as Youtube personality ProZD, will voice a character in the upcoming Fallen Legion games....
Ratalaika Games today announced that I and Me will be heading to the Nintendo Switch very shortly. The puzzle-platformer has a current...
Back in 2001, I was completely invested in the story of Gully, a plucky, determined ten year old girl who took on...
Fabraz and Headup Games announced today that its action-adventure game Slime-san will be getting its first DLC later this month. Slime-san: Blackbird’s...
XGen Studios recently announced that it will release its upcoming game The Low Road on Steam July 26. The game, which had...
Mipumi Games announced that the full season of its narrative adventure game, The Lion’s Song, will have its complete season release on...
Earlier this week, Coilworks and Double Eleven announced that Super Cloudbuilt will be released next month. The game will be released on...
Like most everyone else watching the Xbox E3 Briefing, I was blown away by the trailer for The Last Night. This cyberpunk...
Imagine a world without a sun, yet one still bright, glowing thanks to the luminescence of a mysterious ash. Invision a world...
Eastasiasoft announced yesterday that it will publish Hucast Games’ Ghost Blade HD in Asian territories on July 17 for PlayStation 4. While...
FDG Entertainment announced today that it has released Oceanhorn – Monster of Uncharted Seas on the Nintendo Switch eShop today. The Zelda-inspired...
In a duo of Kickstarter updates last week, Conception Games announced that the Nintendo Switch version of upcoming puzzler Bokube will be...
SMG Studio announced today that it has dated the release for the Switch version of cooperative puzzler Death Squared. The game will...
Rhythm game enthusiasts and developer team Puuba, in coordination with Akupara Games, recently released some new screenshots for its upcoming console port...
Aliens Gone Home Run creator ANIM_ACE recently released a trailer for its upcoming action game Skeleton Boomerang, which will be released on...
When a small number of titles dominate an entire genre, it can cause the entire genre to stagnate, drowning out competition and...
Oudidon recently announced its new racing game at E3 earlier this week; BAFL – Brakes are for Losers will be released this...
While people debate the merits of backwards compatibility, Koji Igarashi and his team at ArtPlay are looking to bring a spiritual successor...
Canadian-based publisher Meridian4 recently announced that it will rebrand itself to M4. The company, which has published titles such as The Silent...
DotEmu and Lizardcube have announced that Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is now available on PC. Previously released earlier this year on...