Ratel Games is using its team’s collective experience in commercial game design to release a plethora of “square series” games. Each installment...
Neardream plans to create high-quality, memorable, story-focused games that put heavy emphasis on writing and animation. Luna’s Twilight is still under development,...
Started in 2023, Accelix is an indie development team that aims to help stray cats with their game, ‘Meow Mission.’ The studio...
Team Rythmicals, a rhythm game development team that was founded in 2018, is going to bring their five-key rhythm game, ‘Coxeta’ to...
5RockSoft, a developer that sprang up in 2022, is creating a new game called, ‘Raising a Hammer Girl – Operation Whack a...
Oldice Max was founded back in January, but the CEO behind it, Jaehyung Park, has years of game development experience. Oldice plans...
Earlier today we saw who was going to be a part of Summer Game Fest, and you might have forgotten about another...
Summer Game Fest is only three weeks away. Crazy, I know. We’ve been getting drip fed information, but the floodgates are now...
Developer The Bricks Games is a known for its socially conscious game releases such as ‘30 Days’, a game aimed at suicide...
Soul Games plans to releace Luna Mobile, a cute MMORPG meant to invoke feelings of nostalgia for their IP, Luna Online, and...
Funnylocks aims to target the North American Market by revealing details on their upcoming souls-like, Unstoappable: Breakout. The game will be a...
Game Publisher Actionfit, known for their puzzle, causal, and idle RPG games such as Box Cat Jam: Block Match and Cat Cafe...
Pre-registration for the 2024 PlayX4 B2B event is live and will continue until May 22nd. The 2024 PlayX4, scheduled to take place...
GonggamOre Contents has announced its participation in the 2024 PlayX4 B2B event. At this event GonggamOre Contents plans to highlight the MYME...
While maybe not the Arkham game you’d hope for, being Batman in any fashion is a fantastic proposition. Arkham Shadow is the...
If you think gaming is in a rut in 2024, you aren’t even looking to play a video game. There are tons...
Recently, I was lucky enough to attend PAX East, and while I was there I sat down to play Heading Out with...
Mike finally recounts his magical trip to Lake Geneva, WI, where he attended Gary Con XVI, kicking off the fiftieth year of...
Ready for all the video game news to hit us again? We might not have E3, but IGN is bringing their own...
MomoCon 2024, which is set to take place in Atlanta over Memorial Day weekend (May 24th – 27th) has announced that legendary...
Twitch is the biggest name in game streaming, and its convention has been a thing to behold. Europe and San Diego are...
Last month, Lead Technical Artist Eitaro Iwabuchi and Game Designer Momoka Aono of Square Enix delivered three panels at GDC discussing the...
I was recently lucky enough to attend PAX East, during which I got to sit down and play Parry Nightmare. Developed by...
Daylight Basement Studios has announced a new update for their bullet hell roguelite: Rightfully, Beary Arms, which I was lucky enough to...
Recently, I was lucky enough to attend PAX East, where I met up with the two developers behind Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge....
It is quite hard to differentiate from the crowded “punishingly difficult third-person action RPG” genre, but Deathbound manages to do so in...
The full cast for the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons the Twenty-Sided Tavern live theatrical experience has been announced, and includes actors from...
I was lucky enough to get a chance to try the upcoming Visions of Mana from Square Enix via a media-only session....
A good action-horror game is a delicate balance. Action necessitates fighting, and if the player is too strong, then the stakes drop...
PAX East 2024 was a wild ride with a ton of ups and downs, but those ups were something special. I got...
There are a lot of events going on this week, and one of the biggest of course is Game Developer’s Conference. GDC...