While the recently announced Fallout 76 deals with multiplayer cooperation amidst a nuclear event, Bethesda announced its team-up with Habitat for Humanity...
In some respects, I’m the luckiest man in the world. I’m going to gush for a moment: my wife is amazing. She’s...
I’m always on the hunt for solid gaming backpacks. Plenty of manufacturers know that Macs and PCs come in at a 15”...
Street traffic in front of the historic El Capitan theater was shut down today as fans gathered to celebrate the dedication of...
After much anticipation, we finally got our hands on the Loot Crate’s Loot Gaming Tank Box, featuring collectables from Bioshock, Call of...
Celeste is a brutally difficult 2D platformer which balances out its challenging gameplay with a heartwarming story of overcoming the struggles of...
I fell down on the job. The team at CD Projekt Red patched their massive open world adventure title The Witcher 3:...
What is your name and position with Camex? I’m Michael Tseng, in my role as COO for Camex I oversee everything from...
There is no doubt that the push to the current console generations, and the welcome natural home on PC, has pushed the...
It’s the most…wonderful time…of the year. Yep, it’s time once again for the holidays. Black Friday (month), Cyber Monday (week), and all...
Like most of the titles in the Assassin’s Creed universe, the real-world locations are as much a character of the game as...
As I sit in my oversized armchair finishing a beer and begin narrating a new adventure to a group of strangers, I...
Let’s get one thing clear: Neo Yokio is a hot mess, but a brilliant one nonetheless. The lovechild Vampire Weekend’s lead vocalist...
I am a migraine sufferer. If you don’t know what that is like, imagine having an ice pick stabbed directly into your...
While it’s not exactly general knowledge, gamers are typically aware that the video game industry’s target age group is between 25 and...