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Summer Game Fest

Summer Game Fest

Previews   -   Jun 13, 2024 Harmonium hands-on preview – A Sign Language Musical of wonders!
Harmonium hands-on preview – A Sign Language Musical of wonders!

When Harmonium was announced, I got so excited, as did our lead editor David Burdette. So when we found out that the game was being shown at Summer Game Fest in the Netflix tent, we had to try and get an appointment with the team. Thankfully, our friends at Netflix

Previews   -   Jun 13, 2024 The Dragon Prince: Xadia hands-on preview – A fast-paced and hero-based action RPG adventure!
The Dragon Prince: Xadia hands-on preview – A fast-paced and hero-based action RPG adventure!

I’ve been a huge fan of The Dragon Prince on Netflix since Season One! The found family elements and interesting world-building were the draws, and the cute animation and great storytelling kept me around long-term. So when I found out The Dragon Prince had a new mobile game coming

Zoochosis hands-on preview – The scariest night at the Zoo ever!
Previews   -   Jun 13, 2024 Zoochosis hands-on preview – The scariest night at the Zoo ever!

I went into my preview for Zoochosis with no previous knowledge of the game past the interesting albeit horrifying art on the top of the Clapperheads area of the Summer Game Fest Day of the Devs booths. So I sat down, turned the sound on high, and began a journey

by Adam Moreno
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Previews   -   Jun 13, 2024 Zoochosis hands-on preview – The scariest night at the Zoo ever!
Zoochosis hands-on preview – The scariest night at the Zoo ever!

I went into my preview for Zoochosis with no previous knowledge of the game past the interesting albeit horrifying art on the top of the Clapperheads area of the Summer Game Fest Day of the Devs booths. So I sat down, turned the sound on high, and began a journey

by Adam Moreno
Previews   -   Jun 13, 2024 Harmonium hands-on preview – A Sign Language Musical of wonders!
Harmonium hands-on preview – A Sign Language Musical of wonders!

When Harmonium was announced, I got so excited, as did our lead editor David Burdette. So when we found out that the game was being shown at Summer Game Fest in the Netflix tent, we had to try and get an appointment with the team. Thankfully, our friends at Netflix

by Adam Moreno
Previews   -   Jun 13, 2024 The Dragon Prince: Xadia hands-on preview – A fast-paced and hero-based action RPG adventure!
The Dragon Prince: Xadia hands-on preview – A fast-paced and hero-based action RPG adventure!

I’ve been a huge fan of The Dragon Prince on Netflix since Season One! The found family elements and interesting world-building were the draws, and the cute animation and great storytelling kept me around long-term. So when I found out The Dragon Prince had a new mobile game coming

by Adam Moreno
Interviews   -   Jun 13, 2024 We Interview: Yannick Banchereau (Creative Director) and Radu Nedea (Producer) about the Division 2 new season and more!
We Interview: Yannick Banchereau (Creative Director) and Radu Nedea (Producer) about the Division 2 new season and more!

On our final day at Summer Game Fest, I had the pleasure of interviewing Yannick Banchereau (Creative Director) and Radu Nedea (Producer) of the Division 2 about the upcoming new season and the changes that will come along with it. We also discussed the best ways for new players to

by Adam Moreno
Previews   -   Jun 13, 2024 Marvel Rivals hands-on preview – Heroes rise to the occasion!
Marvel Rivals hands-on preview – Heroes rise to the occasion!

When Marvel Rivals was announced, I think everyone knew this game would be a big deal. With an IP as large as Marvel, there’s a world of possibilities. Considering that, since the first announcement, multiple characters have been added to the lineup including Venom and Adam Warlock, it seems

by Adam Moreno
Previews   -   Jun 13, 2024 New World: Aeternum hands-on preview — Finding new ports
New World: Aeternum hands-on preview — Finding new ports

Starting an MMO is not for the faint of heart. You have to devote massive amounts of time to them. That, along with a bit of tedium and sometimes an overwhelming amount of systems thrust upon the player, leads to many abandoning ship before they get very far. New World

by David Burdette
Previews   -   Jun 12, 2024 REPLACED hands-on preview — Promising post-apocalyptic pixels
REPLACED hands-on preview — Promising post-apocalyptic pixels

REPLACED has been on my radar since the first trailer. It’s got a styling to it that speaks to me. Every year I generally find at least one indie game that ends up on my favorite games list, and while we’re still awaiting a release date, I can

by David Burdette
Interviews   -   Jun 12, 2024 We Interview: Brooke Davies (Associate Narrative Director) discussing Assassin’s Creed Shadows and the story to be told!
We Interview: Brooke Davies (Associate Narrative Director) discussing Assassin’s Creed Shadows and the story to be told!

It seems like every single Assassin’s Creed fan I know has been waiting for this game to come out. Finally, we enter the land of Assassin’s Creed Shadows. During our time at Summer Game Fest, we attended the Ubisoft Forward event and met with Associate Narrative Director, Brooke

by Adam Moreno
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