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Rise of the Ronin’s premise absolutely hooked me from its announcement. The game puts you in the shoes of a samurai for hire, or a Ronin, during Bakumatsu, the Edo period’s final years. It was a tumultuous time for Japan, and one of my favorites to learn about.
GamingTrendRadio is on Mixlr James praises Ubisoft for staying away from the free-to-play model and thinks more multiplayer games should be paid for games. Leaks from Battlefield Labs creates buzz and James says the FPS genre is better when there is a good Battlefield game on the market. He talks
by Anthony SheltonGamingTrendRadio is on Mixlr James praises Ubisoft for staying away from the free-to-play model and thinks more multiplayer games should be paid for games. Leaks from Battlefield Labs creates buzz and James says the FPS genre is better when there is a good Battlefield game on the market. He talks
by Anthony SheltonRise of the Ronin’s premise absolutely hooked me from its announcement. The game puts you in the shoes of a samurai for hire, or a Ronin, during Bakumatsu, the Edo period’s final years. It was a tumultuous time for Japan, and one of my favorites to learn about.
by David Flynn