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Previews   -   Dec 06, 2014 Guns of Icarus comes to PS4 with PvE and PC Cross-play
Guns of Icarus comes to PS4 with PvE and PC Cross-play

Guns of Icarus Online is coming to PS4, and players will not only get to experience a host of PvE co-op modes, but also not miss out on gunning for their buddies on Steam. Muse Games has implemented cross-play between PC and PS4, and after playing a round of co-op

Previews   -   Dec 06, 2014 Impressions of From Software’s Souls successor, Bloodborne
Impressions of From Software’s Souls successor, Bloodborne

As an avid and awful player of the Souls series, I was really looking forward to getting to die a million times over in the spiritual successor to the franchise, Bloodborne. Greeted with the choice of four classes, I chose the standard hunter that’s been seen in many videos

The Undying Mind — Impressions from Sony’s Exclusive Destiny Strike
Previews   -   Dec 07, 2014 The Undying Mind — Impressions from Sony’s Exclusive Destiny Strike

Alongside the release of Destiny’s first expansion, The Dark Below, Sony players will also receive a timed exclusive in the form of a strike called The Undying Mind. In it, up to three Guardians can team up to take down another Vex boss, alongside his many, many minions. While

by Eric Van Allen
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Previews   -   Dec 07, 2014 The Undying Mind — Impressions from Sony’s Exclusive Destiny Strike
The Undying Mind — Impressions from Sony’s Exclusive Destiny Strike

Alongside the release of Destiny’s first expansion, The Dark Below, Sony players will also receive a timed exclusive in the form of a strike called The Undying Mind. In it, up to three Guardians can team up to take down another Vex boss, alongside his many, many minions. While

by Eric Van Allen
Previews   -   Dec 06, 2014 Guns of Icarus comes to PS4 with PvE and PC Cross-play
Guns of Icarus comes to PS4 with PvE and PC Cross-play

Guns of Icarus Online is coming to PS4, and players will not only get to experience a host of PvE co-op modes, but also not miss out on gunning for their buddies on Steam. Muse Games has implemented cross-play between PC and PS4, and after playing a round of co-op

by Eric Van Allen
Previews   -   Dec 06, 2014 Impressions of From Software’s Souls successor, Bloodborne
Impressions of From Software’s Souls successor, Bloodborne

As an avid and awful player of the Souls series, I was really looking forward to getting to die a million times over in the spiritual successor to the franchise, Bloodborne. Greeted with the choice of four classes, I chose the standard hunter that’s been seen in many videos

by Eric Van Allen
Editorials   -   Dec 06, 2014 Games Need More Events Like PlayStation Experience
Games Need More Events Like PlayStation Experience

Tonight, I, and hundreds of others, attended a “Night Under No Man’s Sky” event where footage of Hello Games’ No Man’s Sky was shown to the backdrop of an independent band’s live concert. Before the show began, Hello Game’s Sean Murray, clearly humbled by the opportunity

by Kenneth Shepard
Previews   -   Dec 06, 2014 The Order: 1886 – Much Needed Reassurance
The Order: 1886 – Much Needed Reassurance

It’s been about six months since I originally played The Order: 1886 at E3, and between then and my trip to the PlayStation Experience, I had started to get cold feet regarding my initial praise. The game sure looks gorgeous and cinematic, but after I re-watched old footage and

by Kenneth Shepard
Previews   -   Dec 06, 2014 First impressions of Until Dawn, Supermassive’s Sony-exclusive thriller
First impressions of Until Dawn, Supermassive’s Sony-exclusive thriller

Several trailers and gameplay videos have been going around about Supermassive’s horror game Until Dawn. Today, we got to demo the section shown at the Playstation Experience keynotes and see for ourselves how scary it was. Spoilers – I might have jumped a few times. The demo section featured the

by Eric Van Allen
Previews   -   Dec 06, 2014 Hands-on with Drinkbox’s new IP, Severed
Hands-on with Drinkbox’s new IP, Severed

Drinkbox Studios’ new title, Severed, was announced at the Playstation Experience event among a sea of indie games featured for the Vita. If its striking visuals and interesting swipe mechanics didn’t catch your eye at first glance, well, I’m here to shove your face into the screen. Severed

by Eric Van Allen
Previews   -   Dec 06, 2014 Gaming Trend PlayStation Experience Coverage
Gaming Trend PlayStation Experience Coverage

Gaming Trend Editors Kenneth Shepard and Eric Van Allen have made their sojurn to the desert (it’s in Las Vegas — no need to feel bad for them) to dig up all that is fit to print on the Sony PlayStation Experience.  New trailers, fresh hands-on perspectives, and so much

by Ron Burke
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