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Previews   -   Dec 06, 2015 Gravity Rush: Remastered doesn’t do much about the original game’s shortcomings
Gravity Rush: Remastered doesn’t do much about the original game’s shortcomings

When Gravity Rush came to the Vita, it was a flawed but promising action game with an endearing and likable protagonist at its center. However, from my time within the remastered version of Sony Japan’s gravity-manipulating quasi open-world, I was left with a fear that the jump to a

Podcast   -   Nov 08, 2015 Gaming Trend Podcast: PlayStation Experience predictions
Gaming Trend Podcast: PlayStation Experience predictions

This week we’ve got Gaming Trend’s PlayStation Experience crew together to go around the table and make some bold (and not so bold) predictions about what Sony will be showing at the event next month. But before we get there, we’ve got some Halo 5 discussion, early

Gaming Trend Podcast: Save it for the PlayStation Experience podcast
Podcast   -   Dec 07, 2015 Gaming Trend Podcast: Save it for the PlayStation Experience podcast

PlayStation Experience has finally wrapped up, and our crew that was at the show is now here to talk about the dialogue options, the remake reveals, the indies, and the virtual reality. Eric, Kenneth, Matt, and Travis all sat down after two days of wandering the halls of the Moscone

by Kenneth Shepard
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Podcast   -   Dec 07, 2015 Gaming Trend Podcast: Save it for the PlayStation Experience podcast
Gaming Trend Podcast: Save it for the PlayStation Experience podcast

PlayStation Experience has finally wrapped up, and our crew that was at the show is now here to talk about the dialogue options, the remake reveals, the indies, and the virtual reality. Eric, Kenneth, Matt, and Travis all sat down after two days of wandering the halls of the Moscone

by Kenneth Shepard
Previews   -   Dec 06, 2015 Gravity Rush: Remastered doesn’t do much about the original game’s shortcomings
Gravity Rush: Remastered doesn’t do much about the original game’s shortcomings

When Gravity Rush came to the Vita, it was a flawed but promising action game with an endearing and likable protagonist at its center. However, from my time within the remastered version of Sony Japan’s gravity-manipulating quasi open-world, I was left with a fear that the jump to a

by Kenneth Shepard
Podcast   -   Nov 08, 2015 Gaming Trend Podcast: PlayStation Experience predictions
Gaming Trend Podcast: PlayStation Experience predictions

This week we’ve got Gaming Trend’s PlayStation Experience crew together to go around the table and make some bold (and not so bold) predictions about what Sony will be showing at the event next month. But before we get there, we’ve got some Halo 5 discussion, early

by Kenneth Shepard
Podcast   -   Dec 24, 2014 Metatheory Podcast Episode 11 – Sony hammers it home with the PlayStation Experience
Metatheory Podcast Episode 11 – Sony hammers it home with the PlayStation Experience

Our boys, Eric Van Allen and Kenneth Shepard, returned from the PlayStation Experience with lots to talk about. It looks like Sony is doing right by their fans with a solid lineup of software slated for the PS4 and PS Vita. Listen in on this week’s episode to get

by Sean Lama
Previews   -   Dec 10, 2014 Taking Battlefield Hardline’s new Hotwire mode for a ride
Taking Battlefield Hardline’s new Hotwire mode for a ride

Electronic Arts debuted its new game mode Hotwire for the upcoming Battlefield Hardline, in demo form, at last weekend’s Playstation Experience. A strange mix of vehicular combat and traditional Battlefield mechanics, players have to control certain cars until they’re destroyed, to stop their ticket bar from depleting faster

by Eric Van Allen
Previews   -   Dec 09, 2014 A few rounds with Mortal Kombat X at PSX
A few rounds with Mortal Kombat X at PSX

At last weekend’s Playstation Experience, I got the chance to play a few matches of a new installment in a classic franchise, Mortal Kombat X. Featuring a bevy of new fighters and plenty more changes to the standard formula, I was worried about how true to the franchise X

by Eric Van Allen
Editorials   -   Dec 09, 2014 Sony, It’s Time For a PlayStation All-Stars Sequel
Sony, It’s Time For a PlayStation All-Stars Sequel

Looking back at Sony during 2012 and looking at it now in 2014, it’s impossible to deny how holistically it has turned around the public perception of PlayStation. Through calculated messaging, a consistent appeal to the right audience, and recently, a dash of nostalgia and celebration of its history,

by Kenneth Shepard
Previews   -   Dec 08, 2014 Hands-on with a few waves of Dungeon Defenders 2 on PS4
Hands-on with a few waves of Dungeon Defenders 2 on PS4

Dungeon Defenders 2 was on showcase at Sony’s Playstation Experience, and we got a chance to play through one of the game’s levels and talk a bit with the devs. Much like its predecessor, Dungeon Defenders 2 looks to not only improve on its own formula, but to

by Eric Van Allen
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