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Podcast   -   Apr 03, 2015 Gaming Trend Podcast: Amiibo-induced despair
Gaming Trend Podcast: Amiibo-induced despair

On the second episode of the GT Reboot podcast, Kenneth and Eric are once against joined by Travis as he attempts to refute claims that he can’t show up for anything. This week, Kenneth gets to pick Travis’ brain after he finished the first Danganronpa, and then the guys

Podcast   -   Mar 27, 2015 Gaming Trend Podcast: Back From the Dead
Gaming Trend Podcast: Back From the Dead

We here at Gaming Trend have decided to complicate our plethora of podcasts a little bit more by rebooting our dormant Gaming Trend Podcast. Loyal listeners of the Metatheory Podcast will know that in recent episodes we’ve been shifting over to a more interview-driven format, which has been cutting

Gaming Trend Podcast: Re-re-re-remaster
Podcast   -   Apr 10, 2015 Gaming Trend Podcast: Re-re-re-remaster

This week’s Gaming Trend Reboot Podcast has all you’ve probably come to expect from the first two episodes: Technical issues? Check. Kenneth’s weekly Borderlands update? Check. Travis’ refusal to get out of the rotating third chair? Check. Also to be found within this podcast is discussion of

by Kenneth Shepard
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Podcast   -   Apr 10, 2015 Gaming Trend Podcast: Re-re-re-remaster
Gaming Trend Podcast: Re-re-re-remaster

This week’s Gaming Trend Reboot Podcast has all you’ve probably come to expect from the first two episodes: Technical issues? Check. Kenneth’s weekly Borderlands update? Check. Travis’ refusal to get out of the rotating third chair? Check. Also to be found within this podcast is discussion of

by Kenneth Shepard
Podcast   -   Apr 03, 2015 Gaming Trend Podcast: Amiibo-induced despair
Gaming Trend Podcast: Amiibo-induced despair

On the second episode of the GT Reboot podcast, Kenneth and Eric are once against joined by Travis as he attempts to refute claims that he can’t show up for anything. This week, Kenneth gets to pick Travis’ brain after he finished the first Danganronpa, and then the guys

by Kenneth Shepard
Podcast   -   Mar 27, 2015 Gaming Trend Podcast: Back From the Dead
Gaming Trend Podcast: Back From the Dead

We here at Gaming Trend have decided to complicate our plethora of podcasts a little bit more by rebooting our dormant Gaming Trend Podcast. Loyal listeners of the Metatheory Podcast will know that in recent episodes we’ve been shifting over to a more interview-driven format, which has been cutting

by Kenneth Shepard
Podcast   -   Mar 20, 2015 Metatheory Podcast Ep. 18 – a veteran designer talks about working on Doom and more recently Call of Cthulu
Metatheory Podcast Ep. 18 – a veteran designer talks about working on Doom and more recently Call of Cthulu

When the game designer who worked on the original Doom, Quake, Civilization, Age of Empires, and more recently, the Call of Cthulu board game, says he’s interested in joining your podcast, you make room. Sandy Petersen joins us in this week’s episode to talk about his experiences working

by Sean Lama
Podcast   -   Mar 13, 2015 Metatheory Podcast Ep. 17 – Niko barely survives PAX East, the implications of delays, and the importance of legs day

The Gaming Trend crew assembles in large numbers this week – host Sean Lama is joined by Niko DelValle, Eric Van Allen, Kenneth Shepard, and Justin Pauls in the Metatheory Podcast’s longest episode yet. Niko recounts his adventures and misadventures during PAX East last week, where he played a bunch

by Sean Lama
Podcast   -   Mar 08, 2015 Metatheory Podcast Ep. 16 – Disney, Helldivers, and GDC in one conversation
Metatheory Podcast Ep. 16 – Disney, Helldivers, and GDC in one conversation

This week’s episode of the Metatheory podcast includes Sean Lama, Justin Pauls, Eric Van Allen, and Kenneth Shepard as they discuss the viability of VR, which was the focus of this year’s Games Developers Conference in San Francisco, cross-platform multiplayer as being promised by Microsoft, the fantastic indie

by Sean Lama
Podcast   -   Mar 05, 2015 Metatheory Podcast Ep. 16 – streaming live tonight at 7PM PST [Show has ended]
Metatheory Podcast Ep. 16 – streaming live tonight at 7PM PST [Show has ended]

We’re trying something new this week here on the Metatheory Podcast… and it’s kind of exciting! For the first time since the show’s debut, we’re going to stream an episode live. We’ll be using Mixlr to broadcast ourselves as we record – or at least that’

by Sean Lama
Podcast   -   Mar 02, 2015 Metatheory Podcast Ep. 15 – Psyonix kicks it with us to talk about Rocket League
Metatheory Podcast Ep. 15 – Psyonix kicks it with us to talk about Rocket League

This week we invited the Psyonix team to the show to talk about their upcoming Twisted Metal meets FIFA soccer style game, Rocket League. Besides going in-depth on Rocket League, which is coming to PS4 and Steam this Spring, we also get to know a little more about the Psyonix

by Sean Lama
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