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241 Articles
Gaming Trend · Episode 017: Retro Resurgence This week Erica Echlin and Jon Miller talk about Retro Resurgence into today’s time. – If you don’t want to invest in a real classic system the minis are a total win. – Surprisingly you can still get sealed PlayStation games for cheap on
Gaming Trend · Episode 016: Conventions The Homescape This week Erica Echlin and Jon Miller talk about at home conventions like SDCC and Gen Con. – Everybody, Rock your body right, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles back alright! – Please tell me why Target and Funko still haven’t prepared their web page for
Gaming Trend · Episode 018: Zombie Survival Guide This week Erica Echlin and Jon Miller talk about Doomsday prepping, Zombies, and bug out bags! – I’ll let Jon say Evil Dead is a zombie movie…even though it’s not. – Jon can’t fathom the fact that some people don’t
by Erica EchlinGaming Trend · Episode 018: Zombie Survival Guide This week Erica Echlin and Jon Miller talk about Doomsday prepping, Zombies, and bug out bags! – I’ll let Jon say Evil Dead is a zombie movie…even though it’s not. – Jon can’t fathom the fact that some people don’t
by Erica EchlinGaming Trend · Episode 017: Retro Resurgence This week Erica Echlin and Jon Miller talk about Retro Resurgence into today’s time. – If you don’t want to invest in a real classic system the minis are a total win. – Surprisingly you can still get sealed PlayStation games for cheap on
by Erica EchlinGaming Trend · Episode 016: Conventions The Homescape This week Erica Echlin and Jon Miller talk about at home conventions like SDCC and Gen Con. – Everybody, Rock your body right, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles back alright! – Please tell me why Target and Funko still haven’t prepared their web page for
by Erica EchlinGaming Trend · Episode 015: X Box Series X This week Erica Echlin and Jon Miller discuss all the released exclusives for the upcoming system X Box Series X. – The Gunk is described as a in-between of Pikmin and The Goonies – We already have irl zombie deer, they’re not that
by Erica EchlinGaming Trend · Episode 014: Adult Swim This week Erica Echlin and Jon Miller talk about a Karen discovering Adult swim 19 years too late. -Karen put your dang kids to bed and we wouldn’t have this problem. -I’m totally a semi-normal, moderately functioning human being and I grew
by Erica EchlinGaming Trend · Episode 013: After School Special This week Erica Echlin and Jon Miller talk about all the video games that give you that tingly feeling in your tummy, along with a good life lesson attached to it. – We need to talk about the speciesism in Majoras Mask…its just
by Erica EchlinGaming Trend · Episode 012: PC Talk This week Erica Echlin and Jon Miller are joined by the head honcho of Gaming Trend, Ron Burke. -Erica is upfront about knowing nothing about computers other than if it has numbers AND letters its good. -Jon is the the Junk Lady from the
by Erica EchlinGaming Trend · Episode 011: Pandemic This week live from the cesspool of Texas, Jon Miller and Erica Echlin talk about the pandemic and video games! – Okay but why is the user rating of the Last of Us II a 4.8? -Duke Nukem is the reason I have unrealistic standards
by Erica Echlin