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PAX East 2024 was a wild ride with a ton of ups and downs, but those ups were something special. I got the honor to demo quite a few upcoming and currently available games from developers passionate about what they’re making. I played quite a bit and will include
Easily my favorite part of attending cons is the off chance of running into the people behind my favorite stuff. At PAXU ‘22, I got to have a brief chat with Quinn Brander about the then-upcoming Rebuilding Seattle, which I promptly gave a 100 in my review. It was obviously
A good action-horror game is a delicate balance. Action necessitates fighting, and if the player is too strong, then the stakes drop off and the game ceases to be scary. If the forces that antagonize the player are too powerful, then players could grow frustrated and lose interest. There needs
by Jackson LustbergA good action-horror game is a delicate balance. Action necessitates fighting, and if the player is too strong, then the stakes drop off and the game ceases to be scary. If the forces that antagonize the player are too powerful, then players could grow frustrated and lose interest. There needs
by Jackson LustbergPAX East 2024 was a wild ride with a ton of ups and downs, but those ups were something special. I got the honor to demo quite a few upcoming and currently available games from developers passionate about what they’re making. I played quite a bit and will include
by Katelyn LawlorEasily my favorite part of attending cons is the off chance of running into the people behind my favorite stuff. At PAXU ‘22, I got to have a brief chat with Quinn Brander about the then-upcoming Rebuilding Seattle, which I promptly gave a 100 in my review. It was obviously
by Nick DubsPAX East is back for another round of exciting panels and video game exhibitors. Among those exhibitors are The Pokémon Company, FINAL FANTASY XIV, and Quantic Dream. PAX East 2024, which will take place from March 21st through March 24th, will be held at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center.
by Richard AllenTo be perfectly honest, I don’t know how best to classify Molly House, Wherlegig’s latest cardboard masterpiece. I feel like I’m describing the subgenre of my favorite drummer’s metal side project; it’s an interactive queer history exhibit/ artwork crossed with a snappy semi cooperative board
by Nick DubsSome ideas can look good on paper or in an echo chamber and need a stranger’s perspective. For board games, fresh perspectives can be especially hard to secure. Each tweak to a design demands a new, complete playthrough. Each play needs a full table of players. Eventually, that table
by Sean WeeksPAX Unplugged 2023 was a bounty of knowledge, new faces, and great games. I spoke to someone at nearly every RPG booth, and I am following up with an interview series on the design and production of roleplaying games. Below you can find some highlights of games I saw and
by John FarrellHeading into PAXU, An Age Contrived was on my short list of upcoming titles to check out, based almost entirely upon its innovative conveyor belt styled action programming mechanic. Our overview with Chris Matthews of Bellows Intent was more along the lines of big-picture game feel than the nuts and
by Nick Dubs