Mayday Games started out making card sleeves, but has since expanded to publishing games. They range from simple card and strategy games to giant crokinole boards. At Origins they were highlighting a card game and a word game.
Cahoots is a trick-taking game without trump. Each player has three suits
Calliope Games is known for having great family-style games. I admit I was surprised at how big of a hit Hive Mind was with the people I’ve introduced it to, and Roll For It! has been a staple for family get-togethers. Now Calliope is daring you to press your
Kickstarter campaigns are a lot of work. It may seem like you can just post a project and get funding for it. However, getting the product to a final state and sending out rewards can take a lot of time and effort.
In this video I talk with Travis Hancock
Kickstarter campaigns are a lot of work. It may seem like you can just post a project and get funding for it. However, getting the product to a final state and sending out rewards can take a lot of time and effort.
In this video I talk with Travis Hancock
Mayday Games started out making card sleeves, but has since expanded to publishing games. They range from simple card and strategy games to giant crokinole boards. At Origins they were highlighting a card game and a word game.
Cahoots is a trick-taking game without trump. Each player has three suits
Calliope Games is known for having great family-style games. I admit I was surprised at how big of a hit Hive Mind was with the people I’ve introduced it to, and Roll For It! has been a staple for family get-togethers. Now Calliope is daring you to press your
Restoration Games has had a string of hits with Stop Thief! and Downforce, but they haven’t been resting on their laurels. They’ve updated the app for Stop Thief! to include more challenges and a cooperative mode. They also had a highly successful Kickstarter campaign you may have heard
Kolossal Games might not be the largest publisher, but they’ve had some huge hits on Kickstarter. At Origins I got a chance to look at the wild west themed Western Legends. If you want to get the feel of Red Dead Redemption in a board game, then be sure
Bezier Games is known for their spin on the classic Werewolf with One Night Ultimate Werewolf. Some gamers didn’t find a single night satisfying, so Bezier decided to expand the gameplay and add some cool looking bits. I got a look at One Week Ultimate Werewolf, and it looks
It seems like there are several games with a historic Asian theme. Games like the recent Rising Sun to the old Gamemaster Series Shogun/Samurai Swords/Ikusa, samurai and ninjas seem to be bred into the boardgaming culture. At Origins I got to sit with Adrienne Ezell who designed Shogunate,
Star Realms was the first game from White Wizard Games, but it took off like gangbusters. Since then White Wizard has expanded to include Epic and Hero Realms in their catalog. Last year White Wizard went back to their roots and funded a Kickstarter for a four-player version of Star