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Previews   -   Nov 14, 2014 Let’s get evil — Dungeons 2 hands on preview
Let’s get evil — Dungeons 2 hands on preview

While at a Kalypso press event, I was able to get a demonstration as well as some hands-on time with Realmforge Studios’ Dungeons 2. I bought the original Dungeons hoping to get a solid Dungeon Keeper-esque game, and while it did scratch the itch, it played more like a tower

Interviews   -   Jun 16, 2014 Games are growing up this Fall with indie title Oscar
Games are growing up this Fall with indie title Oscar

The last time I spoke to Josh, lead designer and composer on Oscar, the Kickstarter for the game was still 25 days away from completion and the future of Oscar yet to be decided. As fortune would have it, the game met its humble $40,000 pledge goal and development

Sneak in style — Crookz preview
Previews   -   Nov 14, 2014 Sneak in style — Crookz preview

Earlier this week, I was given a preview of the 70’s style heist game Crookz from Skilltree Studios. Crookz’ designer Sebastian Merkel showed off two levels as well as many of its mechanics. Crookz’ stand out feature is its aesthetic. Skilltree has even brought on an American team member

by Spencer Campbell
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Previews   -   Nov 14, 2014 Sneak in style — Crookz preview
Sneak in style — Crookz preview

Earlier this week, I was given a preview of the 70’s style heist game Crookz from Skilltree Studios. Crookz’ designer Sebastian Merkel showed off two levels as well as many of its mechanics. Crookz’ stand out feature is its aesthetic. Skilltree has even brought on an American team member

by Spencer Campbell
Previews   -   Nov 14, 2014 Let’s get evil — Dungeons 2 hands on preview
Let’s get evil — Dungeons 2 hands on preview

While at a Kalypso press event, I was able to get a demonstration as well as some hands-on time with Realmforge Studios’ Dungeons 2. I bought the original Dungeons hoping to get a solid Dungeon Keeper-esque game, and while it did scratch the itch, it played more like a tower

by Spencer Campbell
Interviews   -   Jun 16, 2014 Games are growing up this Fall with indie title Oscar
Games are growing up this Fall with indie title Oscar

The last time I spoke to Josh, lead designer and composer on Oscar, the Kickstarter for the game was still 25 days away from completion and the future of Oscar yet to be decided. As fortune would have it, the game met its humble $40,000 pledge goal and development

by Sean Lama
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