Last year, Off the Page Games turned a remarkable award winning comic, Mind MGMT, into an incredible board game which blew both Mike and I away. Now, they’re working on another game based on another award winning comic! Horror County, written by Cullen Bunn and illustrated by Tyler Crook,
If Cat in the Box and five people inhabit a closed room, then, supposedly, the people in the room are playing and not playing Cat in the Box. Both options exist simultaneously until the room is opened and verified. That’s Schrodinger’s Cat, in a box, Cat in the
Many consider the debut of Superman in 1938 to be the dawn of the comic book golden age. Soon after, the comic book industry exploded and publishing houses expanded with ferocity. For the first time in history, comic book writers and illustrators could find major success in the entertainment mainstream.
Many consider the debut of Superman in 1938 to be the dawn of the comic book golden age. Soon after, the comic book industry exploded and publishing houses expanded with ferocity. For the first time in history, comic book writers and illustrators could find major success in the entertainment mainstream.
Last year, Off the Page Games turned a remarkable award winning comic, Mind MGMT, into an incredible board game which blew both Mike and I away. Now, they’re working on another game based on another award winning comic! Horror County, written by Cullen Bunn and illustrated by Tyler Crook,
If Cat in the Box and five people inhabit a closed room, then, supposedly, the people in the room are playing and not playing Cat in the Box. Both options exist simultaneously until the room is opened and verified. That’s Schrodinger’s Cat, in a box, Cat in the
Goblins, Kobolds, demons, and owl bears can make for excellent adversaries in the one vs many combat that is Dungeons and Dragons. But, what about player vs player? Well, sure, you can do that. Would it be fair? Not when you roll a one and your opponent rolls a 20.
I’m sorry. It’s too late. You’ve already clicked the article and seen the feature image. There’s no turning back. You’re in love. There’s no resisting what could be the cutest, most enchanting board game ever made. No kidding, when I saw Flamecraft in person
I fell in love immediately. I knew I was going to like Deal With the Devil as soon as I saw it, and It only got better from there. Just look at that cover! Its got two small goofy lions, a derpy fish person, a flustered pope, a silly fat
Modiphius Entertainment, best known for their ttrpg content, has launched a sale of select games featured in their Ennie awards at Gen Con 2022. The sale includes discounts for Star Trek Adventures (in the special Tricorder edition), Achtung! Cthulhu, and Dune: Adventures in the Imperium. Check out the sale here:
That scummy tenant is at it again! This time they have turned the very gods against you! Worse still, some of their garbage cannot be cleansed from the lands they blight. The scoundrels! And to top it all off, their behavior is evolving. Predicting their moves will prove much harder.