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Asgard's Wrath

Asgard's Wrath

Explore the world of Norse mythology in VR with 20 minutes of Asgard’s Wrath footage
News   -   Jun 07, 2019 Explore the world of Norse mythology in VR with 20 minutes of Asgard’s Wrath footage

The appeal of virtual reality is the chance to exist and become immersed within world of fantasy, science-fiction, or in the case of the upcoming Oculus VR title Asgard’s Wrath, Norse mythology. Check out twenty minutes of new gameplay for this deep, 30-hour Norse adventure above and then head

by Abram Buehner
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News   -   Jun 07, 2019 Explore the world of Norse mythology in VR with 20 minutes of Asgard’s Wrath footage
Explore the world of Norse mythology in VR with 20 minutes of Asgard’s Wrath footage

The appeal of virtual reality is the chance to exist and become immersed within world of fantasy, science-fiction, or in the case of the upcoming Oculus VR title Asgard’s Wrath, Norse mythology. Check out twenty minutes of new gameplay for this deep, 30-hour Norse adventure above and then head

by Abram Buehner
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