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Interviews   -   Feb 24, 2015 Could LyteShot change the face of LARPing forever? We find out in our interview with Mark Ladd
Could LyteShot change the face of LARPing forever?  We find out in our interview with Mark Ladd

I got the unique opportunity to sit down with CEO Mark Ladd from LyteShot to talk about the next generation of laser-based live-action gaming, but don’t call it Lazer Tag.  This is something completely and entirely different.  Not simply running around and shooting each other with lasers, LyteShot looks

Impressions   -   Feb 02, 2015 Game of Thrones ‘The Lost Lords’ – a review in progress
Game of Thrones ‘The Lost Lords’ – a review in progress

Your journey in Telltale’s Game of Thrones Episode two begins three days after the liberation of Yunkai by Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen.  Like episode one and the namesake show, the story doesn’t end there, walking us through the continued (and oft-maligned) story arc of several members of

Full interview with writer of Slammed!, Paolo Chikiamco
Interviews   -   Mar 04, 2015 Full interview with writer of Slammed!, Paolo Chikiamco

Below is the full interview performed with Paolo Chikiamco… First off, what was the inspiration for the development of the game? I was always a fan of narrative-heavy, choice-significant games — I was a gamebook fanatic before I started playing video games — so naturally I fell in love with the stuff

by Jay Malone
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Interviews   -   Mar 04, 2015 Full interview with writer of Slammed!, Paolo Chikiamco
Full interview with writer of Slammed!, Paolo Chikiamco

Below is the full interview performed with Paolo Chikiamco… First off, what was the inspiration for the development of the game? I was always a fan of narrative-heavy, choice-significant games — I was a gamebook fanatic before I started playing video games — so naturally I fell in love with the stuff

by Jay Malone
Interviews   -   Feb 24, 2015 Could LyteShot change the face of LARPing forever? We find out in our interview with Mark Ladd
Could LyteShot change the face of LARPing forever?  We find out in our interview with Mark Ladd

I got the unique opportunity to sit down with CEO Mark Ladd from LyteShot to talk about the next generation of laser-based live-action gaming, but don’t call it Lazer Tag.  This is something completely and entirely different.  Not simply running around and shooting each other with lasers, LyteShot looks

by Ron Burke
Impressions   -   Feb 02, 2015 Game of Thrones ‘The Lost Lords’ – a review in progress
Game of Thrones ‘The Lost Lords’ – a review in progress

Your journey in Telltale’s Game of Thrones Episode two begins three days after the liberation of Yunkai by Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen.  Like episode one and the namesake show, the story doesn’t end there, walking us through the continued (and oft-maligned) story arc of several members of

by Ron Burke
Impressions   -   Dec 01, 2014 Game of Thrones ‘Iron from Ice’ – a review in progress
Game of Thrones ‘Iron from Ice’ – a review in progress

Cercei Lannister once said “When you play the game of thrones you win or you die. There is no middle ground.”  I didn’t have that in mind when I started playing the game, but true to the show and the books, when I finished this chapter my only response

by Ron Burke
Previews   -   Oct 06, 2014 Assassin’s Creed Unity Companion App demo video
Assassin’s Creed Unity Companion App demo video

Ubisoft has been absolutely blowing their competition away in terms of how they utilize the second screen experience.   I took a break from the hands-on preview time for Assassin’s Creed Unity to check out the free Companion App.  The team has made huge improvements from last year’s solid

by Rich Newman
Reviews   -   Sep 22, 2014 Pure disappointment — CounterSpy (iOS) Review
Pure disappointment — CounterSpy (iOS) Review

Some iOS ports make perfect sense. If a game possesses simplistic controls that translate well, It is easy to imagine it sliding over to a portable device that everyone can have on the go. Developer Dynamighty created a very entertaining product in CounterSpy when it was released on the PS4.

by Jay Malone
Reviews   -   Sep 22, 2014 MOGA Rebel review
MOGA Rebel review

It’s weird to think that mobile devices like phones and tablets are getting their own dedicated gaming controllers. “Why even bother,” you might ask yourself, “when I could just get a 3DS or a Vita?” And while yes, it’s true that a majority of mobile games implement their

by David Roberts
Interviews   -   Jun 16, 2014 Games are growing up this Fall with indie title Oscar
Games are growing up this Fall with indie title Oscar

The last time I spoke to Josh, lead designer and composer on Oscar, the Kickstarter for the game was still 25 days away from completion and the future of Oscar yet to be decided. As fortune would have it, the game met its humble $40,000 pledge goal and development

by Sean Lama
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