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Apex Construct

Apex Construct

Wonderous world, clunky controls – Apex Construct PSVR Review
Reviews   -   Mar 03, 2018 Wonderous world, clunky controls – Apex Construct PSVR Review

The VR space is full of simple demo-like experiences, but only recently are developers leaping into the world of virtual reality with what could be described as full games. Apex Construct casts you as a silent protagonist turned arbitrator between two rogue AI, aptly named Fathr and Mothr. These two

by Gerard Uht
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Reviews   -   Mar 03, 2018 Wonderous world, clunky controls – Apex Construct PSVR Review
Wonderous world, clunky controls – Apex Construct PSVR Review

The VR space is full of simple demo-like experiences, but only recently are developers leaping into the world of virtual reality with what could be described as full games. Apex Construct casts you as a silent protagonist turned arbitrator between two rogue AI, aptly named Fathr and Mothr. These two

by Gerard Uht
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