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Age of War

Age of War

Daimyos and Dice: Age of War
Reviews   -   Dec 08, 2014 Daimyos and Dice: Age of War

I’m a sucker for Japanese-themed strategy games. Shogun, of Gamemaster series acclaim, now more commonly known as Samurai Swords or Ikusa, is one of the great strategy board games of all time. I love Total War: Shogun 2, and I’m even involved in a RPG-by blog based in

by Michael Eyre
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Reviews   -   Dec 08, 2014 Daimyos and Dice: Age of War
Daimyos and Dice: Age of War

I’m a sucker for Japanese-themed strategy games. Shogun, of Gamemaster series acclaim, now more commonly known as Samurai Swords or Ikusa, is one of the great strategy board games of all time. I love Total War: Shogun 2, and I’m even involved in a RPG-by blog based in

by Michael Eyre
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