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Please wait while the robots are syncing: AEGIS review
Reviews   -   Oct 05, 2016 Please wait while the robots are syncing: AEGIS review

Growing up, I loved Voltron. Voltron was this giant Voltron that would be formed when the world needed it the most, when five pilots of mecha would work in unison and combine their robots together. Since I first got into board games, I have been looking for a Voltron-themed game.

by Joshua Davis
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Reviews   -   Oct 05, 2016 Please wait while the robots are syncing: AEGIS review
Please wait while the robots are syncing: AEGIS review

Growing up, I loved Voltron. Voltron was this giant Voltron that would be formed when the world needed it the most, when five pilots of mecha would work in unison and combine their robots together. Since I first got into board games, I have been looking for a Voltron-themed game.

by Joshua Davis
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