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1979 Revolution: Black Friday

1979 Revolution: Black Friday

Important: 1979 Revolution: Black Friday review
Reviews   -   Apr 12, 2016 Important: 1979 Revolution: Black Friday review

Passion projects can produce some of the most inspiring work, but also some of the most disappointing. Creators of such personal pieces can expose certain stories that others have very little knowledge of, but they can also become so invested in one aspect that the rest of the project suffers.

by Jay Malone
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Reviews   -   Apr 12, 2016 Important: 1979 Revolution: Black Friday review
Important: 1979 Revolution: Black Friday review

Passion projects can produce some of the most inspiring work, but also some of the most disappointing. Creators of such personal pieces can expose certain stories that others have very little knowledge of, but they can also become so invested in one aspect that the rest of the project suffers.

by Jay Malone
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