This week we chat with Nils Karlén (ALIEN RPG, Blade Runner RPG) and Kosta Kostulas (Coriolis — The Third Horizon, Mutant: Year Zero) about a new installment to the dark sci-fi TTRPG universe of Coriolis — The Third Horizon that just hit Kickstarter! Our special guest host is John Farrell (for at least part of the time). Check out the Kickstarter for Coriolis — The Great Dark and back it today: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1192053011/coriolis-the-great-dark-rpg-explore-a-lost-horizon
This podcast is sponsored by The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx, the Kickstarter for a new 5E D&D Campaign from GooeyCube and GaxxWork; Embark on a mega-adventure created with Luke Gygax and other legends of the game, celebrating the legacy of Gary Gygax in a story-driven campaign. Find out more about The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx campaign here: https://shop.gooeycube.com/back/?attribution_code=GameTrend