Black Sun Productions’ Metamorphosis VR features the adventure story of Gregor Samsa, a man who is transformed into an insect – a cockroach to be specific, and then must navigate an imposing human-sized world where everyday objects are used for bug purposes. He must solve puzzles, navigate obstacles, and interact with
The Dark Horizon DLC for Remnant II is one of my favorite DLCs that I have played up until the very moment this article is published. I will admit, I was skeptical because the DLC in the first game was subpar at best and left a horrible taste in my
Despite its simple appearance in premise and gameplay, Loddlenaut hooked me right away with its promise of serenity and vibes, as you take on the role of an ‘interstellar custodian’ (aka a little guy in a nautical suit) whose mission is to cleanse planets of their pollution. This pretty heroic
When Return to Moria was announced in June of 2023 with a trailer featuring the iconic John Rhys-Davies, I got so excited. A dwarf led Lord of the Rings game mixing adventure with survival crafting in the Mines of Moria? Sign me up. Well, after a stint on PC only,
When I first laid eyes upon Furyu’s latest action RPG Reynatis, I was instantly reminded of a mix between Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Kingdom Hearts, with the game’s flashy combat and modern fantasy Tokyo setting. Poor Shibuya just can’t seem to catch a break when it
I am not exaggerating when I say this. Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club is one of the greatest games Nintendo has ever made. This is coming from someone who was not fond of the Famicom Detective Club remakes released back in 2021. They were neat time capsules to
It’s strange to remember that, only just a few years ago, I assumed several games in the Ace Attorney series would never be localized. Capcom has been slowly bringing the entire series to modern platforms, and with those ports and remasters came previously Japan-only titles. Now, with the release
It’s been a long time since the Castlevania franchise added a new entry, and the last place I would expect to see one is in a collection title. Castlevania Dominus Collection’s main conceit is putting all three DS games into one convenient package, but its bonus might be