When I was first approached about doing a review for a console skin that claimed to be made with real wood, I was a little concerned to the quality and visual appeal. After one day of the skin being applied, I quickly realized how fantastic of a product I had. The skin is beautiful, functional, and has gotten me to put my PS4 on display at my house.The two biggest things I look for in any skin is durability and visual aesthetic, and the skins by Toast do both of those with only a couple drawbacks.
Visually the Toast wraps are stunning. Made from real wood, they look clean, professional, and unique from other skins. I have had a couple fake wood skins in the past on electronics, and I always felt they looked flat and didn’t have much personality. Toast has changed this this by using real wood which gives depth, detail, and every skin is different. With the PS4 skins coming with four different looks of wood, from the bright ash to the dark ebony, you can easily find a match to fit in with your home decor. I got the bamboo color to go with my lighter furniture and it was a great fit. I was very pleased on the looks of these skins and how much personality having real wood actually makes. You can also add custom text to the wrap which not only looks cool, but also personalizes it even more and is a great way to represent whatever you want.
The durability of the wood wraps is another huge plus for me. I have been using the skin for a few weeks and except for one tiny splinter coming off, this case has held up incredibly. I am constantly moving my Playstation around my house and to other people’s houses, and through all the roughhousing my Playstation takes, the Toast skin has not only stayed applied, but held up with no real damage or signs of wear and tear. I was particularly scared that the areas that had the custom text would also be weaker and possible tear or break, but this wrap has not shown any signs of use, which in itself is amazing and shows the craftsmanship that goes into these.
The process of applying these wraps is very easy, if you take your time. These skins come cut out, measured, and ready to install. After you clean your console, with cleaning cloths supplied by the company, it is as easy as lining up the pieces, taking the paper off the back, and applying them directly to your console. It took me about 10 minutes, most of which was just taking my time and really lining things up. It covers all of your PS4 minus the lit areas, the buttons, and the USB ports. It also has the option to cover the bottom of the console, but that is an add-on for a little extra money. One negative to consider, however, is if you do not place the pieces exactly where you want them you have a very limited time to pull them up and reposition. After that, they become adhered to the console and trying to remove them at that point runs the risk of breaking the wood, or ruining the stickiness of the adhesive. The biggest thing I can suggest is lining up the pieces before putting them on and really taking your time to align them where you want them, as removing them after they have set can be difficult and possibly ruin the skin.
With all the praise i have given Toast for their product, there is one big downfall that I’ve noticed: the thickness of the product. When I first got the skin on, it didn’t look like it had changed the dimensions of my PS4 very much at all. After some use, I realized there was a bigger difference than I had anticipated, and with that had a few setbacks. With the thickness the skin added, I noticed a change in how I interacted with the eject and on/off buttons. Before the skin, I could easily slide my fingers over the buttons to turn on my Playstation, with the added depth of the wrap I have to push decently hard to get the PlayStation to recognize my fingers. This depth has also affected my USB ports, with the skin USB thumbsticks that barely used to fit now don’t. That being said, all other USB modules that use to fit without a problem still work fine so it only affects them if they are barely fitting without the skin.
Toast PS4 Wooden Console Wrap
Toast has made some beautiful console skins, made out of real wood, that are practical, durable, and unique. They hold up extremely well through wear and tear and the only concern is the added width.
- Looks great with complementary furniture
- Durable and made from real wood
- Easy to install...
- ...Though difficult to remove
- Added width can affect the buttons and some USB sticks