South Park is racist, offensive, vulgar, poorly animated, immature, sordid, filthy, dangerous, awful, tactless, anti-Semitic, anti-religion, tasteless, raunchy, disgusting, and offers nothing of value to society…just to name a few ways it has been described.
And I’m here for it.
South Park started in 1997 and has been
Are you easily offended? Then boy do I have the movie for you! Way back in 2004, the team behind South Park said to themselves “Can we make a movie that makes fun of the way America tries to operate as police for the entire world?” and the answer was
I’ve talked a lot about Final Fantasy XIV artbooks here, especially about my general dissatisfaction with how they’ve changed over the years. With that said, the art is always pretty and any fan of the game will still enjoy it. They’re still good artbooks, just not exceptional
Mean Girls has big shoes to fill. The original is a classic that holds up today (our review), and there were plenty of changes made to the formula. Is it possible to update an already great movie for a new audience without ruining the original? Well…surprisingly, yes? Mostly? Let’
I feel like there isn’t a person left on the planet that hasn’t seen Mean Girls, but that might just be my bias. It’s a guilty pleasure of mine, and I’m not too proud to say it as a 46 year old dude. It’s a
It’s hard to believe that it’s been 30 years since Brandon Lee brought Eric Drayven to life in the cult classic The Crow. It’s also been 30 years since his life was tragically cut short, so I never expected that Paramount would ever bring this movie back
After seven episodes, we’ve finally reached the Season 1 finale. There are too many spoilers, and we want you to experience it for yourself, so we’ll be as vague as possible here. That said, this series is the epitome of Fallout. It tells a wonderful story that belongs
Considering how shockingly the last episode ended, it’s kind of nice to have this one open to a bunch of boring sand. There’s also an amazing reference to New Vegas here with two folks in NCR Ranger gear searching for bottle caps with a metal detector. Things heat