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Previews   -   Nov 29, 2022 Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion Preview — Zack is Back
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion Preview — Zack is Back

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is the highly anticipated upcoming remaster of the 2007 PSP action RPG Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. The remaster aims to give players the best gameplay experience possible by providing newly remastered visuals, gameplay improvements, fully voiced audio in English and Japanese, and more.

by Abdul Saad
Previews   -   Nov 23, 2022 Deliver Us Mars hands-on preview — Mars is there, waiting to be reached.
Deliver Us Mars hands-on preview  — Mars is there, waiting to be reached.

Deliver Us Mars, the sequel to the excellent Deliver Us The Moon, is right around the corner and we’ve gotten to go hands-on with a near-final version of the game ahead of its February release. Playing for about two hours, we had unfettered access to a number of new

by Ron Burke
Previews   -   Nov 22, 2022 Warhammer 40,000: Daemonhunters – Duty Eternal preview — Unto the anvil of war!
Warhammer 40,000: Daemonhunters – Duty Eternal preview — Unto the anvil of war!

You may have seen the announcement of the rapidly-approaching expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Daemonhunters, but with the trailer simply showing a silhouette you might be feeling a little bit in the dark. Well, I’m here to shine light on the situation, fellow Knights. There’s a hulking behemoth

by Ron Burke
Previews   -   Nov 21, 2022 New season of R6 Siege brings a ton of updates and, of course, new content (Y7S4 Preview)
New season of R6 Siege brings a ton of updates and, of course, new content (Y7S4 Preview)

We’re coming up on the month of December, and that can only mean one thing… A new season for Rainbow Six Siege is just around the corner. Operation Solar Raid will be kicking off on December 6th but I was able to go hands-on recently to see all that

by Cassie Peterson
Previews   -   Nov 14, 2022 Land of the Vikings Early Access preview ⏤ Channel your inner Viking in this grid-free masterpiece
Land of the Vikings Early Access preview ⏤ Channel your inner Viking in this grid-free masterpiece

Land of the Vikings released into early access this week on November 8th, and I was thrilled to check out how far it had come since the awesome demo I played a month ago. In this Norse city builder, you are the almighty and wise Jarl charged with building, providing

by Holly Hudspeth
Previews   -   Oct 21, 2022 Stranded: Alien Dawn Preview — Explore Strange New Worlds
Stranded: Alien Dawn Preview — Explore Strange New Worlds

I’ve been taking my time with Stranded: Alien Dawn. For a game that just moved into Early Access, it’s packed to the absolute brim with content. Developer Haemimont Games (of Surviving Mars, Tropico 3-5, Imperium Romanum, Victor Vran, and many others) has a new game, and it’s

by Ron Burke
Previews   -   Oct 13, 2022 Street Fighter 6 Closed Beta preview — Back in fashion
Street Fighter 6 Closed Beta preview — Back in fashion

After what seems like ages since the last major installment in the Street Fighter series, Capcom announced Street FIghter 6, a new installment in the series earlier this year. While we’ve seen lots of details on the upcoming game, only a lucky few were able to get their hands

by Abdul Saad
Previews   -   Oct 10, 2022 Wild Hearts Hands-On Preview – Of Beauty and Beasts
Wild Hearts Hands-On Preview – Of Beauty and Beasts

Omega Force, the team responsible for such games as the Dynasty Warriors series, Attack on Titan, Dragon Quest, Hyrule Warriors, Persona 5 Strikers, Dragon Quest Builders, and Fire Emblem Warriors are on a bit of a roll lately. They’ve put out some fantastic offshoots, and original titles these last

by Ron Burke
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