Embark on a thrilling adventure, exploring the abundant treasures hidden within the enchanting mines of Undermined! Pairadice City.

Getting ready to mine

Getting ready to mine

Step into the thrilling territory of Undermined! and prepare for an exhilarating adventure where you’ll stumble upon the great riches and terrifying hazards beneath. Equip your trusty pickaxe and embark on a daring mining escapade, unearthing precious gems and overcoming formidable challenges. Enhance your digging prowess by acquiring valuable items that aid excavation and shield you from the dangers looming. Be prepared for unexpected events that will add flavour to your gameplay. Get ready to unearth priceless bounties, conquer daring obstacles, and immerse yourself in the golden race of Undermined!

Mining Mechanics: Rock and Rolls!

In Undermined!, you aim to obtain 12 victory points by mining through rocks to find money and treasures, and facing perils. The game progresses through turns, and each player seeks to be the first to collect all victory points to win.

Rock and Rolls

Rock and Rolls

A turn in Undermined! consists of five phases:

Respite: At the start of your turn, take two coins from the bank and draw an event card. You have the option to exchange two event cards for a different one.
Shopping: This phase allows you to equip yourself with items that assist in mining, protect from perils, enhance treasure hunting, or provide victory points.
Preparation: During this phase, choose the item you will use for mining and ask other players for assistance. Exchanging favors can help you tackle challenging rocks.
Mining: This is the core of the game. Use your chosen item, roll two dice (D6), and compare the result with the current rock’s value. If successful, you either receive money or obtain Treasure & Peril cards. Using explosives prevents assistance but may allow consecutive mining.
End: Resolve any open actions resulting from events or item effects before the next player’s turn.

Diving into Undermined!

Undermined! is a game that immediately grabs your attention with its immersive mining theme and engaging gameplay. The impressive visual design makes the game easy to understand and enjoyable for players. A handy player aid card provides all the necessary information, adding value to the gameplay experience.

Setting things up

Setting things up

The game incorporates various mechanics such as card drafting, set collection, take-that, and a touch of push-your-luck, along with event cards encouraging interaction among players. While these mechanics may be familiar, they all find a perfect place in this game and greatly add to the overall theme.

Talking about the theme, it is spot on! The game is compelling and addictive, and it’s thrilling to test your luck while mining rocks, enticed by the potential rewards. It’s important to note that the game relies heavily on randomness, from the events and available items to the difficulty of breaking rocks and the rewards or perils obtained from successful mining.

However, there is still room for player agency, allowing for different strategies. You can invest in tools and explosives to make mining easier, focus on protection from perils, opt for equipment that enhances gameplay and offers more choices, or spare your hard-gained coins for when the right time comes, such as when items with victory points appear on the shop. The game is designed to be uncertain, keeping you on your toes and providing surprising and replayable experiences.

One of the game’s strengths lies in player interaction. Collaboration, asking for help, and exchanging items and promises are all encouraged. However, it’s important to be cautious and not rely too heavily on other players, as everyone is ultimately playing to win. Without some level of collaboration, the game will prove challenging, so we suggest you lend your fellow companions a hand to make it a balanced and engaging experience.

Undermine! is easy to learn, with minimal setup time and appropriate downtime. While moments of analysis paralysis may occur, they are not predominant, so there’s no need to worry. It is not a heavy Eurogame; it balances simplicity and deep strategic choices, making it an excellent gateway game. A game session can last for tens of minutes, so it may not be ideal for a quick filler, but if you have the time, rest assured that you will have a fantastic time!

Game on!

Game on!

We were enamored with Undermined! from the very first demonstration of the game. The game grows on you, revealing more depth with each playthrough. It has been joyful to see this game flourishing. The meticulous playtesting that has gone into it is evident. We look forward to seeing and reviewing it in its final shape, which will surely be a polished precious stone!

Note 1: Keep an eye on the Undermined! Kickstarter page for a last-minute pledge or a late pledge.

Note 2: We used the complimentary supplied AdaptTableTop to evaluate this game. The modular table can be seen in many article images.

See also: Card Game | Tabletop | UKGE
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