Little fun fact about myself, I’m vegan! That’s partly why I was super pleased we got a chance to talk to ENHANCE at this year’s Gen Con! We gave them a best of Gen Con award last year and they’re back at it again with their new line of collectors edition bags, four different kinds, complete with a variety of 8 vibrant colors and all made with a vegan leather they call dragon hide!
Darren Reiger, the designer of the Dragon Hide collection, talked us through his beautiful creations. First up in their collectors edition is the RPG Player’s Bag. This sleek satchel is just the right size for character sheets, hand books, and a laptop. A handy side pocket neatly holds pencils, dry erase markers, dice, or any other small gadgets a tabletop nerd might need. Who said nerds aren’t cool?
My favorite of the four is the RPG Organizer’s Case. This case has a much larger bag for dice than the Player’s Bag, and includes several foam slots for miniatures. The divider between each half of the case also serves as a plastic sleeve for a character sheet. Of course, slots for dry erase markers are included as well. The RPG Player’s Bag can hold almost everything a player might bring to a TTRPG.
Third in line is their Adventurer’s bag. This bag is pretty much a marriage between the Player’s bag and the Organizer’s case with straps on the bottom for a rolled map. This bag really can hold everything you need for a TTRPG.
Last but not least is ENHANCE’s take on a boardgame bag. The bag’s only mode of travel is vertical using backpack straps or a top handle, but jostling poses no threat thanks to a security strap inside the bag. Located on both sides of the bag are cup, or cup shaped item, holders and higher up are straps to hold long items snug against the bag. For example, a long rolled up map or poster could slide into the holders on the bottom, secured by the strap near the top. Decorating the front face of the bag are three zipper pouches. ENHANCE wasted no surface area with this beast.
ENHANCER carries much much more product so be sure to check out their web page, and follow them on Tiktok to hear about their latest creations. Also, if your reading this right now during this years Gen Con, make sure to stop by their booth for a 25% off promo code.