Team 2K has released the fifth installment of their ongoing video series for The Bureau: XCOM Declassified. In video four, Agent Cole...
As a percussionist, I have never had a big desire to pick up the bass or guitar. My father-in-law plays both, so...
I could go on for a while about all of the reasons why Battlefield 3 somewhat disappointed me after having put over 1000 hours...
Disney Infinity is not only shaping up to be one of the biggest cash cows ever — what with all of the...
Everyone’s favorite dictatorship simulator is receiving some nice DLC! Launching today, Kalypso Media has unveiled their new DLC pack for Tropico 4...
The latest entry in the popular open-world crime-and-fun franchise Saint’s Row has finally gone gold, according to an update on the official...
After their recent video urging you to tweet either “#grabthegun” or “#grabthebottle,” there’s finally been a decision made! In the new video,...
The Splinter Cell franchise has been running a long time, there’s no arguing that. But something that many argue is just how...
You thought we were dead and gone, but we have risen again to consume the slow and the feeble! Broadcasting in the...
Got that theme song stuck in your head yet? No? Well, the classic 1989 NES game DuckTales has been polished up and will...
After the disappointment that was Assassin’s Creed III, I thought I was completely done with the series. Not that I thought the...
It’s always interesting to see how publishers and developers handle their titles when it’s releasing on next-gen and current platforms. EA seems...
At one time you were guaranteed a terrible game if it had some kind of license, but that has changed in recent...
The classic Genesis title Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse gets remade for 2013. Sit down with the developers and hear what...
The fifth downloadable character has officially been announced via the official Injustice: Gods Among Us facebook page. Martian Manhunter will be available...
Naval warfare is back in the upcoming Assassin’s Creed title: Black Flag. Ubisoft has released new screens and art featuring nautical combat...
In a rather unique marketing move, 2K Games and 2K Marin have released a new video for their upcoming product “The Bureau:...
Believe it or not, Saints Row 4’s release is finally nearing and with that publisher Deep Silver has decided to declare this...
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment releases the voice over cast for Lego Marvel Super Heroes. The game will feature over 100 voiced...
Borderlands 2 continues its campaign to have The. Most. DLC. Ever. this fall. Not content to have two DLC characters, four DLC...
It’s hard to believe that Soul Calibur II is a decade old at this point. Well, believe it or not, it’s true,...
I play Rock Band every Sunday. My mom just graduated to Hard on Bass and is teetering on the brink of the...
XCOM: Enemy Unknown was one of the best strategy titles to hit last year, and we absolutely loved it, as you can...
I’ll readily admit that I enjoy the single player experiences in today’s mulitplayer experiences. I enjoyed Battlefield 3’s campaign, and from what...
In the Arkham Origins panel at Comic-Con, a new villain was revealed for this highly anticipated game: Copperhead. Only this time, she...
Today at San Diego Comic-Con, Capcom’s Senior Producer announced that they would be reviving the Strider franchise – the original was one...
Valve. Amazon. Good Old Games. Green Man Gaming. They all have their little sales, but we want to do one better –...
Just in time for the upcoming World Cup in Brazil, EA Sports has acquired the license to feature 19 clubs from the...
If you read our preview on Watch Dogs, it’s pretty easy to see that it’s one of my most anticipated titles of...
I wasn’t 100% convinced when they swapped out veteran voice actor Michael Ironside for Eric Johnson. As we approach one month until...
By Denard’s shoelaces! The National Collegiate Athletics Association has announced that it has decided not to renew the long-standing partnership between itself...