Yesterday, Wired Productions in collaboration with LKA released a new E3 trailer for its upcoming psychological thriller Martha is Dead. The game...
Yesterday, Ubisoft announced that it will release its sports game Riders Republic for PlayStation 4, and 5, Xbox Series X, Xbox One,...
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Quarantine is an entirely different game than I expected, and I’m here for it. Cooperative, cross-save, cross-play, cross-progression,...
Sherlock Holmes Chapter One | Official E3 Trailer (4K)Watch this video on YouTube On June 12, 2021, Frogwares released a trailer for...
Today, Counterplay Games announced that its looter shooter Godfall is going to get an expansion, with the Fire & Darkness DLC coming...
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has been the biggest Assassin’s Creed game to date, and the Ubisoft team isn’t stopping. Today they’ve announced that...
Realistic and gritty Kung-Fu fighting is heading exclusively to PlayStation consoles and PC courtesy of Sloclap’s upcoming release Sifu. Drawing on fighting...
Today, Team Salvato announce that it will release its psychological horror… erm, cutesy slice-of-life visual novel Doki Doki Literature Club Plus for...
There are surprises at E3, and then there are SURPRISES at E3. This is the latter. In an announcement that I assure...
There’s no doubt that Rocksmith truly is an innovative and amazing way to learn guitar. Whether it’s bass, lead, or rhythm, the...
Today, Ubisoft announced that its annual rhythm game series Just Dance will release its newest iteration on November 4 for major consoles....
Today, Ubisoft announced that the second season for year 5 of its action game For Honor is now here. You can grab...
Today, Ubisoft announced that it will release the famous heroes in a half-shell, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as Epic Crossovers for...
Demon Turf, the upcoming 3D Platformer from indie studio Fabraz, will also release on PlayStation. Originally announced last year for Xbox One,...
Yesterday, Amplitude Studios announced that Endless Dungeon will head to PC and consoles next year. The game is another installment in the...
I’m on a boat! Well, not right now, but as soon as June 17th rolls around I will be. We got a...
I really hate that I missed out on the closed alpha last year, with so many things going on and other gaming...
House of Ashes is the much anticipated latest entry in the long-running Dark Pictures Anthology series, and now a new story trailer...
Tales of Arise, the action packed latest entry in the much loved Tales of series, launched a new trailer today during Summer...
Today, FINJI released their first title, Chicory: A Colorful Tale, on PC, PS4, PS5, and Mac. The latest project from FINJI, Chicory:...
Hideo Kojima’s weird and wonderful Death Stranding is getting an upgraded version, dubbed Director’s Cut, sometime in the future. Little is known...
Ikai, a first person psychological horror game based around Japanese folklore, released its first trailer today! While first person horror games are...
One of the more intriguing games to be shown at the Summer Games Fest was Gearbox / Norsfell’s upcoming game, Tribes of...
After months of rumours and speculation, Elden Ring finally has a gameplay trailer and release date: January 21st 2022. The latest title...
I am a huge fan of the Evil Dead series. I’ve played all the previous games, seen all the movies, and even...
I absolutely LOVED Two Point Hospital — the triumphant return of the team behind games like Theme Hospital, Fable, and Black &...
During the Summer Games Fest, Gearbox announced that their new Borderlands spinoff, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands will be arriving early 2022. The game...
Salt and Sacrifice, the follow up to the successful Soulslike platformer Salt and Sanctuary which was originally released in 2016, was announced...
Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance is just two weeks away, and it looks like it has shaped up nicely. Featuring four of...
The time has come for intense 64-player medieval warfare courtesy of developer Torn Banner’s epic multiplayer game Chivalry 2! The chaotic multiplayer...
Ratchet & Clank is a series I’ve always enjoyed but never finished. Yes, I’ve purchased just about every title since I picked...