Today, Square Enix debuted a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III dubbed The Final Battle trailer. This trailer focuses on more story...
Today, Capcom released Kage, the first new character for the next season of Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition. He is the embodiment...
Children of Morta, the upcoming action game that lets you play as several members of the same family, has been delayed until...
Today, Nicalis, Inc announced the initial February 26th, 2019 release date for their upcoming hack-and-slash action game, RemiLore: Lost Girl in the...
Today, Ubisoft announced that they will be doing an extended “free weekend” for The Crew 2 starting tomorrow, December 13th, on PlayStation...
Today, Square Enix and Disney released the opening cinematic for the upcoming RPG Kingdom Hearts III, which will be released on January...
Shown at yesterday’s ceremony The Game Awards, Double Fine Productions and Starbreeze Studios have released a new trailer for the upcoming psychedelic...
Yesterday at The Game Awards, Electronic Arts released a new trailer for its upcoming multiplayer game Anthem, which features some new story...
During last night’s The Game Awards ceremony, Ubisoft unveiled a glamorous and grim trailer for its newest entry in the Far Cry...
Officially announced at The Game Awards last night, Behaviour Interactive announced that the tenth chapter of the survival-horror multiplayer game Dead By...
Less than a month after being acquired by Microsoft, Obsidian has announced its next game at tonight’s Game Awards, and it may...
Dauntless developer Phoenix Labs announced their next phase of plans for the free-to-play monster slayer at this year’s Game Awards, including cross-platform...
Of the many announcements at tonight’s Game Awards, one of the most eye-catching was The Pathless. While its announcement trailer didn’t tell...
Today, Nicalis announced that it will release three games for the PlayStation 4, as well as an April 23 release date for...
Attention, Epic Gamers! Epic Games has just announced that it will release a new mode, Fortnite Creative, for the upcoming Season 7...
While Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight and Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight were released yesterday, Atlus is working hard on releasing post-launch...
Yesterday, Stoic and Versus Evil announced that it will release its final Kickstarter goal for the recently released Banner Saga 3, the...
If you’ve been having a grand old time with Geralt’s appearance in the recently released SoulCalibur VI, or have been replaying The...
Yesterday, Modus games announced the release of its newest action game Override: Mech City Brawl, which is now available on PlayStation 4,...
Unknown Worlds Entertainment, with assistance from the independent studio Panic Button, have officially released the console port of the successful aquatic-themed survival...
Today, Frontier Developments announced details on Elite Dangerous: Beyond – Chapter 4, coming next week as the final update of 2018 as...
Today at the Tekken World Finals, Bandai Namco announced its final lineup for Tekken 7’s Season Two character DLC, with Marduk and...
Today, Walnut Creek released a new trailer for its upcoming party brawler Override: Mech City Brawl, which will be released on December...
Star Wars Battlefront II’s Battle for Geonosis update, which contains Obi-Wan Kenobi as a Light Side hero, has gone live. This update...
KEMCO has recently revealed that its newest RPG management game Marenian Tavern Story: Patty and the Hungry God will be eating up...
The final installment of the Thrice Damned DLC for Strange Brigade has finally been completed with the launch of Thrice Damned III:...
Today, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment announced that The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part will be receiving a game adaptation similar to...
Persona 4: Dancing All Night was one of the weirdest rhythm games to come out in the past few years, mostly because...
I’ve never been quite so conflicted about a game as with World of Final Fantasy. On one hand, collecting and leveling up...
Just when you thought you were finished with all Red Dead Redemption 2 had to offer, Rockstar Games has announced that the...
Cartoons have evolved tremendously over the years, making their way from being simplistic, black and white amusements to complex and colorful creations...