For years, the Ginyu Force was known to only have five members, but Akira Toyriyama has created a new character, Bonyu, as...
Remedy’s Control, a third-person action-adventure game combining gunplay and supernatural abilities, has received its launch trailer ahead of its August 27th release....
The Yakuza Remastered Collection has begun its release cycle today with the launch of Yakuza 3 now and Yakuza 4 and Yakuza...
Developed by Gaming Minds Studios, Port Royale 4 has been announced for all current consoles and PC. This is the first title...
During the opening night broadcast from Gamescom, Paul Sage, Gearbox Software Creative Director, announced a new game mode called Proving Grounds as...
Developed by Romero Games and published by Paradox Interactive, Empire of Sin received its first gameplay trailer today. You can check it...
Today during Nintendo’s Indie World presentation, Cleaversoft announced that it will release its platformer EarthNight on Nintendo Switch later this year, joining...
Today, Highwire Games announced that its adventure game Golem is finally heading to PlayStation VR this fall. Award-winning composer Marty O’Donnell will...
Hankering for a sequel to the classic film Groundhog Day? Sony Pictures Virtual Reality and Tequila Works have just announced that they...
Upbeat first-person sci-fi adventure and exploration title Journey to the Savage Planet will be released on January 28th, 2020. In addition to...
Today, Ubisoft announced Year 4 content for Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, which also launches the third season of the game’s post-launch...
Crying is typically a sign of sadness, or in some cases happiness. There are those who say crying means you’re weak, while...
Today, Kalypso Media announced Commandos 2 HD Remaster and Praetorians HD Remaster, modern upgrades of the classic strategy titles. Both titles will...
Have you ever wanted to feel the strange juxtaposition between being surrounded by a cutesy environment, with bubbly music, while simultaneously feeling...
VR music creation title Electronauts received over 35 new tracks today as part of the Heatwave Update. These include tracks from Childish...
Phaser Lock Interactive today announced that Final Assault, their WWII themed VR action strategy game, will be heading to PlayStation VR later...
Arena shooter that pays homage to FPS games of the 90s Demon Pit is expected to be released on consoles and PC...
The next entry in the popular racing series, Need for Speed Heat takes place in Palm City, a new open world location....
The Sims 4: Moschino Stuff Pack adds a variety of fashion choices for players’ Sims and is now available on PC. This...
Bandai-Namco and Supermassive Games, developers of Until Dawn, have released a new Dev Diary showing off the co-op mode in The Dark...
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s October 25 release date is quickly approaching, and to celebrate, Activision has just released a new video...
Developer Codemaster’s upcoming racing game GRID has received a new trailer today that shows off the game’s scenic venues. This includes the...
We got to sit down with Avalanche Studio’s Senior Producer Victoria Setian, who is overseeing all of the DLC for Just Cause...
Today, Mega Cat Studios and Graffiti Games announced that it will release its upcoming roguelite RPG-shooter Bite the Bullet on Nintendo Switch,...
To celebrate the successful launch of the latest expansion Shadowbringers, Square Enix is offering a free six-day period of gameplay for players...
After being announced in April, the remake of cel-shaded FPS XIII has been set to be released in 2020 on consoles, PC,...
Welcome to the wonderful world of the eighties! Or, at least, you’ll sure as heck get the general vibe once you step...
Remnant: From the Ashes received a new video today that showcases the primordial swamp of the ice planet Corsus. This is one...
(Update: 8/9/19): We have been notified the both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One release dates have been moved to October 15,...
Decay of Logos, a new action RPG from Portugese developer Amplify Creations is coming out this month. The developer announced its release...
Earlier this weekend at EVO 2019, Aksys Games announced that it will release Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] in North America, working with...