In SuperChargers, you play as a Skylander defending Skylands from the evil Kaos, who threatens the world with his “Doomstation of Ultimate...
I’m going to be brutally honest, I thought this game was absolute garbage when I first picked it up. The graphics looked...
I don’t play a lot of what might be categorized as casual games. I found Candy Crush to be fairly pay-to-win, so...
The Streetpass experience on the Nintendo 3DS has gotten a bit bigger, thanks the the addition of two new bite-sized titles: Ultimate...
The Nintendo DS holds a special place in my heart. Years of road-tripping, traveling, and stealth-gameplay-sessions during study hall or concert band...
There are games that you play, and then there are games, like Xenoblade Chronicles, that you experience. This was a tough review...
When Nintendo released its first wave of amiibo figures alongside Super Smash Bros. for Wii U last fall, few people could have...
BOXBOY! is one of those titles that is so simple in nature that it’s surprising that a full game can be made...
A good strategy game is often defined by the balance of the tools at your disposal, a nice mix of utility and...
With a name like Mario Vs. Donkey Kong, this game might be mistakenly confused as a bout between the mustached plumber and...
Piercing the sky in a state-of-the-art jet piloting towards your mission, you’re locked onto multiple airborne targets as you unleash a hail...
How do you follow up a game as great as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time? The Nintendo 64 classic redefined...
Few games capture the thrill of the hunt like Monster Hunter. Hours of work, preparation and practicing on lesser mobs, culminating in...
In my 22 years, there’s not a single franchise that has been more of a constant in my life than Pokemon. Both...
If there’s one thing I love just as much as gaming, it’s game memorabilia. Whether I’m rocking a video game T-shirt or...
DISCLAIMER – Visual novels have a history of containing adult content intended for audiences of eighteen years or older. These types of...
I have a confession. This time last year, I reviewed Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies, the fifth installment in the...
Nintendo has long held down the fort by re-envisioning their catalogue of titles. A company with a long history in gaming, Nintendo’s...
As bizarre as it might sound, I consider Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth to be the first game to give me...
If you’re a fan of Pokemon, you’ve likely already played the demo version of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. Some of...
Tenkai Knights Brave Battle is a video game adaptation of the Canadian-Japanese anime series by the same name. Viz Media has produced...
For as long as I can remember, I’ve seen Pac-Man as a brand that just can’t compete in today’s market. A game...
I’m tired of fighting monsters. Now, I love a good dragon slaying or eldritch defeat like everyone else, but there’s more to...
One of the best days in every elementary school kid’s year, at least in my generation, was the day of the book...
Smash Mania has arrived! Gamers all over the world are once again choosing their favorite Nintendo characters and using everything from baseball...
I have a theory: None of the higher-ups at Nintendo own or have played a Sony or Microsoft console. I laugh at...
It’s been almost six years since Super Smash Bros. Brawl’s release, leaving fans antsy for the new release, but does Super Smash...
Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney are hands-down two of the best mobile games of all time, so when I learned...
I wasn’t sold at first. Skylanders Trap Team looked like a gimmick—a neat looking game with a dumb reason to buy a...
On paper, Nintendo’s new 3DS model seems like a pretty legitimate grab at hardcore gamers. It features two extra shoulder buttons, more...
E3 2014: Super Smash Bros. is Shaping Up Nicely on Both Wii U and 3DS Nintendo’s booth at E3 this year was...