Sonic Lost World is the next installment in the LONG running Sonic series developed by the Sonic Team over at Sega. Lost...
FIFA 14’s newest gameplay trailer showcases some of the graphical power of next-generation consoles, displaying how stadiums will truly come to life...
EA Sports had a information purge today on their upcoming soccer title FIFA 14, announcing a new online Co-Op Seasons mode as...
Nintendo’s highly-anticipated 3DS titles Pokémon X and Pokémon Y were given yet another exciting reveal today, with the announcement of Mega Evolutions, a...
What is the sweet spot for a game’s length? At what point does a game go from being entertaining to a downright...
The latest FIFA 14 trailer is available, revealing two new features for the offensive side of the pitch. True Shot and Real...
As if selling individual figurines and play sets weren’t enough, Disney Infinity reveals a new way to part money from the wallets...
One thing is for sure, the LEGO series is far from dead. Developer TT Games is in the middle of development on...
EA Sports newest FIFA trailer showcases the myriad of new options and changes in FIFA 14’s Ultimate Team mode. FIFA Ultimate Team,...
Is there anybody who won’t be in Lego Marvel Superheroes? With over 100 playable characters, the TT Games title slated for release...
Disney Infinity is not only shaping up to be one of the biggest cash cows ever — what with all of the...
No, he’s not hoping to bring more fighting games – though personally I’d like to see that happen. Siliconera reports that Motohide Eshiro...
Urban Trial Freestyle is an action-packed, over-the-top motorcycling side scroller for the 3DS. The bad news about Urban Trial Freestyle is that...
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment releases the voice over cast for Lego Marvel Super Heroes. The game will feature over 100 voiced...
Just in time for the upcoming World Cup in Brazil, EA Sports has acquired the license to feature 19 clubs from the...
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and TT Games today announced that they will be bringing their beloved LEGO franchise to our shiny new...
What do you get when you take over 200 popular characters (50+ of which are playable) from various Namco Bandai, Capcom and...
Nintendo’s always marched to the beat of its own drum, and E3 2013 was no different. Rather than trying to one-up Microsoft...
In another context, the line in that screenshot might seem creepy, but in Shin Megami Tensei IV, it sets you off on...
Stupid hang glider. Pilotwings was already released on virtual console for the Wii back in 2009, but now comes the Wii U...
The Skylanders series has done rather magnificently for Activision lately — the previous two entries have been a money printing machine on...
What I’m getting from the above image is that zombies in Vegas are trying to lure you into brain-eating distance with shiny...
Yikes. You’re all familiar with Disney, right? You know, the company that has made family movies for the last ninety years? They...
We are pretty excited about Disney Infinity – so much so that it won our Best Party Game of E3 2013. Today...
It’s not everyday you come across a game whose purpose is seemingly only to make the player feel something. Though it has...
One thing can be said for E3 this year- it was about the games more than anything else; With the next generation...
The Year of Luigi is hitting its stride now with Super Luigi U, a DLC pack for New Super Mario...
Even for fans of the Legend of Zelda series, it would have been forgivable to miss Oracle of Ages and Oracle of...
Nintendo has some interesting titles lined up for digital download today, including a sequel to a fantastic game, a Wii U deluxe...
Fans of the quaintly old-school RPG series Etrian Odyssey have some reason to celebrate today: Atlus has announced Etrian Odyssey Untold: The...
Sonic teams up with the diabolical Dr. Robotnik to take down the Deadly Six in SEGA’s new action platformer: Sonic Lost World....