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Interviews   -   May 21, 2014 We dive deep into Shadowgate with Design Director Karl Roelofs
We dive deep into Shadowgate with Design Director Karl Roelofs

We sat down with Karl Roelofs, Design Director at Zojoi to talk about their revival of the classic NES title, Shadowgate.  Coming to PC, Mac, iOS, and Android, this reimaging of the original brings with it all new content and a stunning uplift in graphical quality.  They’ve also brought

by Ron Burke
Reviews   -   May 21, 2014 Remake? Sequel? Both? – Soul Sacrifice Delta review
Remake? Sequel? Both? – Soul Sacrifice Delta review

Have you ever heard that old saying that an artist never really finishes his work, he merely abandons it? Well, it would seem that the developers at Marvelous Entertainment and SCE Japan studios weren’t quite ready to abandon this one yet. Soul Sacrifice Delta is the semi-update, quasi-sequel to

by Stefan Alexander
Reviews   -   May 20, 2014 Monsters of Mass Destruction — Rampage Review
Monsters of Mass Destruction — Rampage Review

The only sport I enjoy participating in is bowling. Sure I enjoy watching football, but knocking down pins, or seeing them remain upright after a particularly good pocket hit, brings more emotion in that moment than just watching sports. Knocking things down instead of building something up brings out something

by Keith Schleicher
Reviews   -   May 19, 2014 Wolfenstein: The New Order – Glorious Bastards
Wolfenstein: The New Order – Glorious Bastards

Wolfenstein 3D is, for old timers like me, one of the first 3D games we had ever played. It helped create the first person shooter genre, and it pioneered run-and-gun gameplay, hidden rooms, weapon progression, and many more staple features that we see in modern shooters over 22 years later.

by Ron Burke
Reviews   -   May 19, 2014 The clone is a lie – Project Temporality review
The clone is a lie – Project Temporality review

The indie gaming landscape has been absolutely sick with Portal-alikes as of late, each hoping their central navigation gimmick and idiosyncratic take on puzzle narrative can unseat the reigning champions. For some, perhaps their ambitions are not so grand, and they merely want to take advantage of the gaming public’

by Lex Tyler
Reviews   -   May 18, 2014 Borderlands 2 Vita Review
Borderlands 2 Vita Review

As a major fan of shooting things and low-brow humor, Borderlands 2 instantly became one of my favorite games when it launched in 2012. I spent so much time on the couch playing Borderlands 2 that I could barely contain myself when I learned that Gearbox had plans to allow

by Travis Northup
Reviews   -   May 18, 2014 The Last of Us Poster Collection review
The Last of Us Poster Collection review

The Last of Us was a fantastic achievement in storytelling and art direction – in fact, we liked it so much that we named it 2013’s Game of the Year. It was a triumph, a marriage of narrative, gameplay, characters that, while seeming to tread familiar ground, took us on

by David Roberts
Features   -   May 17, 2014 Looking back – The ten best games of last gen
Looking back – The ten best games of last gen

It’s been six months since the PS4 and Xbox One began their bid for living room dominance here in the West, and while many of the hot releases for each platform have arrived with counterparts built for the inferior “last-gen” consoles in tow, it seems pretty clear that the

by Lex Tyler
We dive deep into Shadowgate with Design Director Karl Roelofs
Interviews   -   May 21, 2014 We dive deep into Shadowgate with Design Director Karl Roelofs

We sat down with Karl Roelofs, Design Director at Zojoi to talk about their revival of the classic NES title, Shadowgate.  Coming to PC, Mac, iOS, and Android, this reimaging of the original brings with it all new content and a stunning uplift in graphical quality.  They’ve also brought

by Ron Burke
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Interviews   -   May 21, 2014 We dive deep into Shadowgate with Design Director Karl Roelofs
We dive deep into Shadowgate with Design Director Karl Roelofs

We sat down with Karl Roelofs, Design Director at Zojoi to talk about their revival of the classic NES title, Shadowgate.  Coming to PC, Mac, iOS, and Android, this reimaging of the original brings with it all new content and a stunning uplift in graphical quality.  They’ve also brought

by Ron Burke
Reviews   -   May 21, 2014 Remake? Sequel? Both? – Soul Sacrifice Delta review
Remake? Sequel? Both? – Soul Sacrifice Delta review

Have you ever heard that old saying that an artist never really finishes his work, he merely abandons it? Well, it would seem that the developers at Marvelous Entertainment and SCE Japan studios weren’t quite ready to abandon this one yet. Soul Sacrifice Delta is the semi-update, quasi-sequel to

by Stefan Alexander
Reviews   -   May 20, 2014 Monsters of Mass Destruction — Rampage Review
Monsters of Mass Destruction — Rampage Review

The only sport I enjoy participating in is bowling. Sure I enjoy watching football, but knocking down pins, or seeing them remain upright after a particularly good pocket hit, brings more emotion in that moment than just watching sports. Knocking things down instead of building something up brings out something

by Keith Schleicher
Reviews   -   May 19, 2014 Wolfenstein: The New Order – Glorious Bastards
Wolfenstein: The New Order – Glorious Bastards

Wolfenstein 3D is, for old timers like me, one of the first 3D games we had ever played. It helped create the first person shooter genre, and it pioneered run-and-gun gameplay, hidden rooms, weapon progression, and many more staple features that we see in modern shooters over 22 years later.

by Ron Burke
Reviews   -   May 19, 2014 The clone is a lie – Project Temporality review
The clone is a lie – Project Temporality review

The indie gaming landscape has been absolutely sick with Portal-alikes as of late, each hoping their central navigation gimmick and idiosyncratic take on puzzle narrative can unseat the reigning champions. For some, perhaps their ambitions are not so grand, and they merely want to take advantage of the gaming public’

by Lex Tyler
Reviews   -   May 18, 2014 Borderlands 2 Vita Review
Borderlands 2 Vita Review

As a major fan of shooting things and low-brow humor, Borderlands 2 instantly became one of my favorite games when it launched in 2012. I spent so much time on the couch playing Borderlands 2 that I could barely contain myself when I learned that Gearbox had plans to allow

by Travis Northup
Reviews   -   May 18, 2014 The Last of Us Poster Collection review
The Last of Us Poster Collection review

The Last of Us was a fantastic achievement in storytelling and art direction – in fact, we liked it so much that we named it 2013’s Game of the Year. It was a triumph, a marriage of narrative, gameplay, characters that, while seeming to tread familiar ground, took us on

by David Roberts
Features   -   May 17, 2014 Looking back – The ten best games of last gen
Looking back – The ten best games of last gen

It’s been six months since the PS4 and Xbox One began their bid for living room dominance here in the West, and while many of the hot releases for each platform have arrived with counterparts built for the inferior “last-gen” consoles in tow, it seems pretty clear that the

by Lex Tyler
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