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News   -   Jan 02, 2018 World Health Organization names “Gaming disorder” and “Hazardous gaming” as new health conditions
World Health Organization names “Gaming disorder” and “Hazardous gaming” as new health conditions

Recently, the World Health Organization has added two new additions to the ICD-11 (International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision), Gaming disorder and Hazardous gaming. This is the first time a videogame related related illness has been deemed a condition by the WHO. Gaming disorder, presented under the category of “Disorders

by Sean Anthony
Previews   -   Jan 02, 2018 Shopkeep by day, dungeon delver by night — Moonlighter Preview
Shopkeep by day, dungeon delver by night — Moonlighter Preview

Moonlighter is aptly named. After spending a few hours with the game, it’s clear that the title plugs the core gameplay loop: by day, you play as a shopkeep setting prices and selling items to earn gold, and by night you explore dungeons, fighting monsters and collecting items that

by Hunter Wolfe
Editorials   -   Dec 31, 2017 GOing forward together — The new face and cooperative spirit of Pokémon GO
GOing forward together — The new face and cooperative spirit of Pokémon GO

It’s been a year and a half since Pokémon GO, Niantic’s augmented reality smartphone app, took the world by storm. For a brief few weeks, it seemed like everyone and their mother, or at least everyone and my mother, were chasing virtual pocket monsters through their cell phone

by A Kay Purcell
Reviews   -   Dec 26, 2017 The Beginning Comes to an End — Life is Strange “Hell is Empty” Review
The Beginning Comes to an End — Life is Strange “Hell is Empty” Review

Note: This review has some spoilers for previous episodes of Life is Strange: Before the Storm, “Awake” and “Brave New World.” The entirety of Life is Strange: Before the Storm has been a dramatic cinematic adventure from start to finish. This final chapter continues the roller coaster of emotions, delivering

by Maddy Wojdak
Previews   -   Dec 24, 2017 Hands-on with the Adventure Pack for Planet Coaster
Hands-on with the Adventure Pack for Planet Coaster

My wife and I went to Universal Studios Orlando just recently, and as we walked through the Islands of Adventure, I couldn’t help but think just how much Planet Coaster (my review) needed an Adventure Pack. Here we are two months later, and my wish has been granted. Packed

by Ron Burke
Reviews   -   Dec 24, 2017 Welcome back, Guardian — The Art of Destiny: Volume 2 review
Welcome back, Guardian — The Art of Destiny: Volume 2 review

There is no doubt that the push to the current console generations, and the welcome natural home on PC, has pushed the team at Bungie to up their game for Destiny 2. Insight Editions takes us back to the world of The Traveller, Guardians, and The Light, in their second

by Ron Burke
Interviews   -   Dec 23, 2017 Decemberists, Phoenixes, and Action Cats–Twogether Studios and how a two person team has one of the most diverse portfolios in gaming
Decemberists, Phoenixes, and Action Cats–Twogether Studios and how a two person team has one of the most diverse portfolios in gaming

Twogether Studios is something special in the gaming world. Keith Baker and Jenn Ellis manage to balance married life with game design, and that design covers a lot of ground. As the creator of Eberron, Gloom, and the recent Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Card Game, Keith has many separate

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Dec 22, 2017 And you thought your job was stressful — Shooty Fruity review
And you thought your job was stressful — Shooty Fruity review

Retail jobs are, without a doubt, some of the most taxing, challenging, and stressful jobs out there. It’s really all any sales clerk can do to simply deal with customers, meet quotas, and survive the day with a little sanity. With less-than-fond memories of my retail days, I stepped

by A Kay Purcell
World Health Organization names “Gaming disorder” and “Hazardous gaming” as new health conditions
News   -   Jan 02, 2018 World Health Organization names “Gaming disorder” and “Hazardous gaming” as new health conditions

Recently, the World Health Organization has added two new additions to the ICD-11 (International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision), Gaming disorder and Hazardous gaming. This is the first time a videogame related related illness has been deemed a condition by the WHO. Gaming disorder, presented under the category of “Disorders

by Sean Anthony
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News   -   Jan 02, 2018 World Health Organization names “Gaming disorder” and “Hazardous gaming” as new health conditions
World Health Organization names “Gaming disorder” and “Hazardous gaming” as new health conditions

Recently, the World Health Organization has added two new additions to the ICD-11 (International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision), Gaming disorder and Hazardous gaming. This is the first time a videogame related related illness has been deemed a condition by the WHO. Gaming disorder, presented under the category of “Disorders

by Sean Anthony
Previews   -   Jan 02, 2018 Shopkeep by day, dungeon delver by night — Moonlighter Preview
Shopkeep by day, dungeon delver by night — Moonlighter Preview

Moonlighter is aptly named. After spending a few hours with the game, it’s clear that the title plugs the core gameplay loop: by day, you play as a shopkeep setting prices and selling items to earn gold, and by night you explore dungeons, fighting monsters and collecting items that

by Hunter Wolfe
Editorials   -   Dec 31, 2017 GOing forward together — The new face and cooperative spirit of Pokémon GO
GOing forward together — The new face and cooperative spirit of Pokémon GO

It’s been a year and a half since Pokémon GO, Niantic’s augmented reality smartphone app, took the world by storm. For a brief few weeks, it seemed like everyone and their mother, or at least everyone and my mother, were chasing virtual pocket monsters through their cell phone

by A Kay Purcell
Reviews   -   Dec 26, 2017 The Beginning Comes to an End — Life is Strange “Hell is Empty” Review
The Beginning Comes to an End — Life is Strange “Hell is Empty” Review

Note: This review has some spoilers for previous episodes of Life is Strange: Before the Storm, “Awake” and “Brave New World.” The entirety of Life is Strange: Before the Storm has been a dramatic cinematic adventure from start to finish. This final chapter continues the roller coaster of emotions, delivering

by Maddy Wojdak
Previews   -   Dec 24, 2017 Hands-on with the Adventure Pack for Planet Coaster
Hands-on with the Adventure Pack for Planet Coaster

My wife and I went to Universal Studios Orlando just recently, and as we walked through the Islands of Adventure, I couldn’t help but think just how much Planet Coaster (my review) needed an Adventure Pack. Here we are two months later, and my wish has been granted. Packed

by Ron Burke
Reviews   -   Dec 24, 2017 Welcome back, Guardian — The Art of Destiny: Volume 2 review
Welcome back, Guardian — The Art of Destiny: Volume 2 review

There is no doubt that the push to the current console generations, and the welcome natural home on PC, has pushed the team at Bungie to up their game for Destiny 2. Insight Editions takes us back to the world of The Traveller, Guardians, and The Light, in their second

by Ron Burke
Interviews   -   Dec 23, 2017 Decemberists, Phoenixes, and Action Cats–Twogether Studios and how a two person team has one of the most diverse portfolios in gaming
Decemberists, Phoenixes, and Action Cats–Twogether Studios and how a two person team has one of the most diverse portfolios in gaming

Twogether Studios is something special in the gaming world. Keith Baker and Jenn Ellis manage to balance married life with game design, and that design covers a lot of ground. As the creator of Eberron, Gloom, and the recent Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Card Game, Keith has many separate

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Dec 22, 2017 And you thought your job was stressful — Shooty Fruity review
And you thought your job was stressful — Shooty Fruity review

Retail jobs are, without a doubt, some of the most taxing, challenging, and stressful jobs out there. It’s really all any sales clerk can do to simply deal with customers, meet quotas, and survive the day with a little sanity. With less-than-fond memories of my retail days, I stepped

by A Kay Purcell
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