
WWE 2K14 to feature “30 Years of Wrestlemania” mode


2K’s release of their first wrestling game is nearing closer and closer as each day passes. As I’ve stated in the past, I loved Yukes and THQ’s last wrestlig game, WWE ‘13, so I’m wildly curious to see what 2K does with the license. I expect very little to change since it’s purely a publisher swap, but my curiosity continues to run wild. Now for what was announced today, 2K reveiled a “30 Years of Wrestlemania” mode.

More details on the mode from the announcement press release:

“WWE 2K14’s 30 Years of WrestleMania Mode will organize matches into a progressive single-player campaign, with the format curated by five distinct eras in WWE history. Unique presentation elements transport players through the different eras, including authentically recreated arenas, WWE Superstar entrances and ring attires, as well as era-specific graphics, screen filters and other presentation elements. In addition, extensive WWE-produced video packages and in-game, cinematic cut scenes set the stage and provide detailed background information on key matches. Historical objectives encourage players to authentically replicate popular match moments, while completing objectives will unlock a host of rewards, including additional playable WWE Superstars, alternate attire options, new arenas and WWE archive photography.”

30 Years of Wrestlemania seems fairly similar to their “Road to Wrestlemania” mode introduced a few years back. Except with this mode, Yukes is digging further into the past, something that excites me tremendously. It’s clear that the wrestling industry’s best days are behind them so any time their history caan be brought up in their video game, it’s met with open arms.

WWE 2K14 will release for the PS3 and Xbox 360 on October 29th.

Avid video game lover who enjoys Tennessee Vol athletics more than one man should. I also listen to hip-hop whenever possible. I'm an odd fellow. Currently attending the great University of Tennessee. Avi by @DiceSMS

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