Just announced at Wizards Presents 2022, One D&D is the latest edition of table top classic Dungeons and Dragons. Changes and additions brought by One D&D include further development of D&D beyond, early development of D&D digital, revisions to the core rule books and more! Play-testing for One D&D is available now and the revised books will release in 2024.

One D&D has three pillars and one is the rule-set which is built on the rules from 5th edition but updated. We’re building upon the rules that have been established, the story telling, and expanding our world and rule system. All the adventures and supplements that have been released in the past ten years will still playable with the new evolution of D&D.

Then there’s D&D Beyond which is the base for all of our tools and assists for players and DM.
What we want to do is actually just provide all the tools that the players need to play themselves in one space.

Right now with the acquisition of D&D Beyond we’ve already started to tip our toe into digital and it was a fantastic partnership that we had going, but we can add more. Digital-physical bundles is something that we wanted to do for a long time and now that D&D Beyond is part of our family it’s finally something we can do. Your content is available anywhere you want it. You have those physical books but you’ve got nice portable versions that you can access through your phone or your tablet or your other devices.

The first physical-digital bundle announced is Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen! Check out our article on Dragonlance here!

Then our future facing aspect of this is our D&D digital which will become a full play-space for you to have experiences that are more immersive. Right now we’re in early development of our digital experience. We can play a game, roll some dice, see the miniature moving around in a 3d play-space, but that’s just the core of it.

We chose the unreal engine for several reasons, reason number one, make it look dope. That’s the first thing. Number two is take care of the lazy DM, cause we’re all lazy DM’s. Ease of use means being able to access all of the tools that you need in order to get the adventure started, so we use the camera technique called tilt shift. We want to make sure that the experience for you is that your experiencing a miniature set.

We want to give people more minis, more options for character customization. You can actually change the features, do what you want with it and you’re going to use this miniature approach to tell stories just like you do in physical table top to have your character live.

We might give you a pre-made campaign from us that has an exciting castle or keep with a dungeon inside of it, exciting NPC’s. But then your going to be able to take this play-set, take it apart, and built your own. We’re going to have a really robust tool for you to be able to create your own dungeons. This is just the start of One D&D.

What your going to be able to see, starting in august is a steady release of these play-test packages for you to be able to engage with key aspects of the game, provide us with feedback that then we will digest, process, interpret, analyze, and then act upon.

Really it’s you shaping the next generation of Dungeons and Dragons and we want to hear exactly what you have to say. Play-testing starts today. Go to dndbeyond.com, download the play-test packet, and get ready to let us know where you’d like this next leg of the adventure to go.

Stay tuned to Gaming Trend for more news, previews and reviews!

See also: Tabletop
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