Parabole and Ravenscourt is proud to announced that their psychological survival-adventure game KONA is available now on the Nintendo Switch. The game tasks players with surviving a blizzard in a Canadian town while discovering some bizarre events within.

Northern Canada, 1970. A strange blizzard ravages Atamipek Lake. Step into the shoes of private detective Carl Fauberet to explore the eerie village, investigate surreal events, and battle the elements to survive.

KONA is a game submerged in mystery and intrigue, one with a spine tingling narrative and unflinching drama that unfolds building the tension throughout.

Players that want to experience a truly original, tense and thrilling adventure can now download it and begin their quest for the truth.

Check out the trailer above, and stay tuned for more news here on Gaming Trend, eh?

See also: Indies | Switch
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