
What’s next for Disney Lorcana? An all new original character and the next big bad.

I’m still having a blast with Azurite Sea, but it’s already time to take a look at what’s next.

The next set for Dinesy Lorcana will be called Archazia’s Island and will feature an original character for the first time. Not much is known yet about Archazia but from the artwork they appear to be local to the magical realm of Lorcana and leaning into the Dreamborn aspect of the game. Archazia is giving off major owl creature vibes and makes me think they may be connected to the Great Illuminary? What do you think? I can’t wait to find out and see if this new type of character will introduce any new mechanics to the game. The new set will be released in March.

But that’s not all…

The release date for Reign of Jafar, set 8, has been confirmed to be June 6, 2025 with Pre-Release events on May 30, 2025. Jafar is featured in one of the Archazia’s Island starter decks and I would expect to see him appearing more heavily throughout the next 3 three sets culminating in Fabled. Fabled is the name of set 9 releasing in Q3 2025 and if we follow the same cadence as we saw with Urlsula, we will be battling a big bad Jafar by the end of the year.

Personally, I love this release cadence with groups of sets culminating in a cooperative battle against a big bad. It feels like learning the cards from each set and playing games is training for the epic final battle at the end of each group of chapters and just offers a way for those of us that are not the most competitive a way to further engage with this amazing game. It’s going to be a good year for Lorcana!

Lead Tabletop Editor | [email protected]

A life long video gamer, Mark caught the Tabletop itch in college and has been hooked ever since. Epic two player strategy games are his favorites but he enjoys pretty much everything on the tabletop, just no Werewolf please. When he gets a break from changing diapers and reading bedtime stories he can usually be found researching new games or day dreaming about maybe one day having time for a ttrpg. Some of Mark's favorite games are Star Wars: Rebellion, A Feast for Odin, and Nemesis.

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